英语 中的 fighting 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 fighting 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 fighting 的说明。

英语 中的fighting 表示战斗 zhàn dòu, 打架,小打小闹 dǎ jià, 争论 zhēng lùn, 与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu, 与…斗争 yǔ … dòu zhēng, 战斗 zhàn dòu, 与…争论 yǔ … zhēng lùn, 搏斗 bó dòu, 打架 dǎ jià, 战争,战斗 zhàn zhēng ,zhàn dòu, 斗争 dòu zhēng, 纷争 fēn zhēng, 争论 zhēng lùn, 拳击赛 quán jī sài, 斗志 dòu zhì, 参加拳击赛 cān jiā quán jī sài, 当职业摔跤选手 dāng zhí yè shuāi jiāo xuǎn shǒu, 奋力抵抗 fèn lì dǐ kàng, 扭打 niǔ dǎ, 为...奋斗, 与...斗争, 与…战斗, 与…作战, 迎战, 同…摔跤 tóng shuāi jiāo, 同…抗争, 同…斗争, 打(仗), 经过努力有可能成功的机会, 健康强壮, 消防 xiāo fáng, 消防,灭火 xiāo fáng,miè huǒ, 灭火,救火 miè huǒ, 消防的, 救火的, 应急的, 救急的, 赤手空拳打斗,无武器打斗, 内讧 nèi hòng, 击剑, 剑术。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 fighting 的含义

战斗 zhàn dòu

noun (war, battle)

The diplomat tried to mediate a ceasefire to stop the fighting.

打架,小打小闹 dǎ jià

noun (children)

When you have twins, the fighting never stops.

争论 zhēng lùn

noun (arguments)

The counselor tried to help the couple put a stop to their constant fighting.

与…搏斗 yǔ … bó dòu

transitive verb ([sb]: fend off)

He had to fight the attacker with a stick.

与…斗争 yǔ … dòu zhēng

transitive verb (try to defeat)

She fought the government and won.

战斗 zhàn dòu

intransitive verb (military: engage in battle)

They started fighting at dawn and the battle lasted all day.

与…争论 yǔ … zhēng lùn

(figurative, informal (argue, quarrel)

She's always fighting with her neighbour about noise.

搏斗 bó dòu

intransitive verb (engage in physical combat)

The two fought with knives for ten minutes.

打架 dǎ jià

noun (physical combat)

He got into a fight and has a black eye.

战争,战斗 zhàn zhēng ,zhàn dòu

noun (military: combat) (军事)

A fight broke out along the border.

斗争 dòu zhēng

noun (struggle)

Women's fight for equality is still ongoing.

纷争 fēn zhēng

noun (dispute)

The fight over the land was resolved by the judge.

争论 zhēng lùn

noun (figurative, informal (argument, quarrel)

Their parents have fights all the time.

拳击赛 quán jī sài

noun (informal (boxing match) (非正式用语)

Ali and Frazier fought the fight of the century in 1971.

斗志 dòu zhì

noun (informal (strength, spirit)

He had no fight left in him.

参加拳击赛 cān jiā quán jī sài

intransitive verb (informal (sport: box) (非正式用语)

They're going to fight for the heavyweight championship.

当职业摔跤选手 dāng zhí yè shuāi jiāo xuǎn shǒu

intransitive verb (informal (sport: wrestle) (非正式用语)

He fought in the ring for twelve years before becoming an actor.

奋力抵抗 fèn lì dǐ kàng

intransitive verb (strive vigorously)

They fought to prevent the school from being closed.

扭打 niǔ dǎ

intransitive verb (struggle, defend oneself)

Mark was fighting to try and escape from his captors.


(struggle, defend oneself)

You have to fight for your rights.



He fought against the new regulations.

与…战斗, 与…作战

transitive verb (military: to battle against [sb]) (军事)

They fought the enemy bravely.


transitive verb (informal (boxing: oppose) (拳击非正式用语)

Lewis is going to fight Holyfield tonight.

同…摔跤 tóng shuāi jiāo

transitive verb (informal (wrestle: oppose) (摔跤非正式用语)

He fights his opponents with great style.

同…抗争, 同…斗争

transitive verb (figurative (combat, resist) (比喻)

He fought cancer for seven years before succumbing.


transitive verb (wage, engage in)

The soldiers fought a battle.


noun (figurative (fair opportunity)

Do you think the team has a fighting chance of winning the championship title?


adjective (healthy and strong)

消防 xiāo fáng

noun (act of combatting fires)

The firefighting went on for days as crews tried to get the wildfires under control.

消防,灭火 xiāo fáng,miè huǒ

noun (fighting fires) (本义)

Firefighting is a very dangerous occupation.

灭火,救火 miè huǒ

noun (figurative (efforts to fix tackle problem) (比喻:解决问题)

The computer system's so messed up that we spend most of our time on firefighting.

消防的, 救火的

noun as adjective (relating to combatting fires)

应急的, 救急的

noun as adjective (relating to efforts to tackle problem)


noun (fighting without weapons)

内讧 nèi hòng

noun (disagreement within a group)

The Republican Party is plagued by infighting.

击剑, 剑术

noun (one-on-one combat with long-bladed weapons)

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fighting 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。