英语 中的 drank 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 drank 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 drank 的说明。

英语 中的drank 表示喝, 饮, 喝, 喝酒 hē jiǔ, 饮料 yǐn liào, 饮料的一杯(一份、一瓶) yǐn liào de yì bēi yí fèn yì píng, 酒,烈性酒 jiǔ,liè xìng jiǔ, 一口 yì kǒu, 水域,湖,海 shuǐ yù,hú,hǎi, 敬酒 jìng jiǔ, 吸收 xī shōu, 把…一饮而尽,把…一口喝下, 陶醉于,沉醉于 táo zuì yú,chén zuì yú, 喝完 hē wán, 喝光 hē guāng, 免费餐饮, 冷饮, (加冰的或冰冻的)冷饮 jiā bīng de huò bīng dòng de lěng yǐn, 酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē, 痛饮,豪饮 tòng yǐn ,háo yǐn, 狂饮, 酩酊大醉, 饮料混合机 yǐn liào hùn hé jī, , 酒后驾驶 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ, 功能饮料 gōng néng yǐn liào, 饮食业 yǐn shí yè, 食物和饮料 shí wù hé yǐn liào, 喝(酒) hē jiǔ, 喝一杯, 喝点东西, 喝饮料, 配制的混合饮料 pèi zhì de hùn hé yǐn liào, 苏打水 sū dá shuǐ, 不含酒精的饮料 bù hán jiǔ jīng de yǐn liào, 运动饮料, 酗酒 xù jiǔ。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 drank 的含义

喝, 饮

transitive verb (liquid: take by mouth) (水、饮料)

Drink some water if you're thirsty.

intransitive verb (consume liquid)

You need to eat and drink if you are to stay alive and healthy.

喝酒 hē jiǔ

intransitive verb (informal (consume alcohol)

We need orange juice for those who don't drink.

饮料 yǐn liào

noun (beverage)

We've got lots of drinks to choose from.

饮料的一杯(一份、一瓶) yǐn liào de yì bēi yí fèn yì píng

noun (serving of a beverage)

I'll have one more drink before I leave.

酒,烈性酒 jiǔ,liè xìng jiǔ

noun (informal, uncountable (alcoholic beverage)

We need some drink for this party.

一口 yì kǒu

noun (swallow of liquid) (喝水等)

He took a drink from the fountain.

水域,湖,海 shuǐ yù,hú,hǎi

noun (figurative, dated (body of water) (比喻,过时用语)

He leaned over the railing and fell into the drink.

敬酒 jìng jiǔ

(toast with alcohol)

Let's drink to the bride and groom!

吸收 xī shōu

transitive verb (figurative (absorb)

The sponge drank all the water.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (beverage: finish quickly)

I know the medicine tastes bad, but drink it down and then you can have some candy.

陶醉于,沉醉于 táo zuì yú,chén zuì yú

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (absorb attentively) (比喻)

The lecture was fascinating and the audience drank in every word.

喝完 hē wán

phrasal verb, intransitive (finish beverage)

Drink up, we have to go!

喝光 hē guāng

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (beverage: finish)

Drink up your juice - it's time to go.


noun (free refreshments)


noun (soft drink: chilled)

On a hot day, there's nothing better than a cool drink straight from the fridge.

(加冰的或冰冻的)冷饮 jiā bīng de huò bīng dòng de lěng yǐn

noun (alcoholic drink: chilled)

酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē

verbal expression (operate vehicle while drunk)

It is illegal to drink and drive.

痛饮,豪饮 tòng yǐn ,háo yǐn

(consume excessive alcohol)

Arthur started drinking heavily after he lost his job.

狂饮, 酩酊大醉

verbal expression (figurative (be an alcoholic)

He may not be an alcoholic but he certainly drinks like a fish.

饮料混合机 yǐn liào hùn hé jī

noun (machine: makes cocktails)

Usually I make myself a smoothie for breakfast in my drink mixer.

noun (soft drink in a cocktail)

酒后驾驶 jiǔ hòu jià shǐ

noun (colloquial (driving while intoxicated) (口语)

Rich was arrested for drunk driving.

功能饮料 gōng néng yǐn liào

noun (beverage: added vitamins, etc.)

Energy drinks generally have high caffeine levels.

饮食业 yǐn shí yè

noun (food industry, sector)

Food and drink is big business in the United States.

食物和饮料 shí wù hé yǐn liào

plural noun (refreshments)

There will be food and drink at the reception following the concert.

喝(酒) hē jiǔ

verbal expression (drink [sth] alcoholic)

He is quite talkative tonight; I wonder if he's had a drink.

喝一杯, 喝点东西, 喝饮料

verbal expression (socialize in a bar, pub, etc.)

Why don't we go and have a drink to remember the good old days?

配制的混合饮料 pèi zhì de hùn hé yǐn liào

noun (cocktail)

When I was a bartender I enjoyed making mixed drinks, like martinis and screwdrivers.

苏打水 sū dá shuǐ

noun (carbonated beverage)

The adults had wine and the kids had sodas with the meal. A lot of fizzy drinks contain artificial sweeteners.

不含酒精的饮料 bù hán jiǔ jīng de yǐn liào

noun (non-alcoholic beverage)

We've got a choice of soft drinks for the kids, and punch for the grown-ups.


noun (beverage: water, nutrients)

酗酒 xù jiǔ

verbal expression (informal (become an alcoholic)

He took to drink at an early age.

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drank 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。