英语 中的 downs 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 downs 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 downs 的说明。

英语 中的downs 表示唐氏症 táng shì zhèng, 向下 xiàng xià, 在底部 zài dǐ bù, 离开此处 lí kāi cǐ chù, 下行, 在…的一端,在…的尽头, 在(河流)的下游, …以来, 向南 xiàng nán, 降低的 jiàng dī de, 下降了的,降低了的 xià jiàng le de,jiàng dī le de, 心情抑郁的 xīn qíng yì yù de, 南下的 nán xià de, 被阻截的 bèi zǔ jié de, 比分落后的 bǐ fēn luò hòu de, 驶离首都的 shǐ lí shǒu dōu de, 停止运行的 tíng zhǐ yùn xíng de, 掌握了的, 输钱的 shū qián de, 做完的 zuò wán de, 竖行的, 生...病的, 由…负责, 只剩下, 是…的责任 shì de zé rèn, (写)下 xiě xià, 坐下 zuò xià, 价值变低 jià zhí biàn dī, 音量由大到小地 yīn liàng yóu dà dào xiǎo de, 从以前往后 cóng yǐ qián wǎng hòu, 变弱 biàn ruò, 现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù, 屈服地 qū fú de, 处于被固定的状态 chǔ yú bèi gù dìng de zhuàng tài, 溯源 sù yuán, 被抑制 bèi yì zhì, 支持 zhī chí, 坐下! zuò xià, 羽毛 yǔ máo, 软毛 ruǎn máo, 绒毛 róng máo, 唐斯丘陵, 唐斯海域, 唐斯锚地, 绒羽的, 延绵起伏的山丘 yán mián qǐ fú de shān qiū, 低谷 dī gǔ, 去 qù, 降下 jiàng xià, 喝光 hē guāng, 击落 jī luò, 打倒 dǎ dǎo, 唐氏综合征。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 downs 的含义

唐氏症 táng shì zhèng

noun (abbr, informal (Down syndrome)

向下 xiàng xià

adverb (from higher to lower)

He climbed down from the tree.

在底部 zài dǐ bù

adverb (on the bottom)

There's a house down there in the valley.

离开此处 lí kāi cǐ chù

adverb (away from here)

Are you coming down to the pub with us?


preposition (from higher to lower place)

They walked down the mountain.


preposition (further along)

The restaurant is just down the street.


preposition (near body of water)

They live about 20 miles down river.


preposition (throughout: years, ages, etc.)

Philosophers have sought answers down the ages.

向南 xiàng nán

adverb (southward)

We're going down to Italy for our holidays this year.

降低的 jiàng dī de

adjective (lower)

The price of oil is down this week.

下降了的,降低了的 xià jiàng le de,jiàng dī le de

adjective (level: reduced) (水平面等)

The water level is down. We should add some more.

心情抑郁的 xīn qíng yì yù de

adjective (figurative, informal (sad or depressed)

I feel a little down, but I'll be alright.

南下的 nán xià de

adjective (to the south)

They're down on the south coast all week.

被阻截的 bèi zǔ jié de

adjective (American football: stopped) (橄榄球术语)

The referee declared the ball down.

比分落后的 bǐ fēn luò hòu de

adjective (sports: behind in score) (体育比赛术语)

The Danish team is down ten points.

驶离首都的 shǐ lí shǒu dōu de

adjective (UK (trains: away from capital) (指火车)

The down train leaves from this platform.

停止运行的 tíng zhǐ yùn xíng de

adjective (informal (not working, out of order)

The server's down. You'll have to try again later.


adjective (informal (learned)

Have you got your lines down for the school play yet?

输钱的 shū qián de

adjective (informal (gambling: with losses of) (赌博)

I'm down three hundred dollars.

做完的 zuò wán de

adjective (informal (finished)

We've got three reports down, one to go!


adjective (crossword puzzles: vertical) (猜字游戏)

I can't work out the answer to 7 down.


(US, informal (sick with, suffering from)

She's down with the flu and can't come to the party.


(informal (determined by)

Whether he goes free or not is down to the judge's decision.


(left with only)

We're down to the last of the coffee, so could you buy some more while you're out?

是…的责任 shì de zé rèn

(informal (caused by)

The accident was entirely down to driver error.

(写)下 xiě xià

adverb (written)

Have you got that down yet?

坐下 zuò xià

adverb (sitting or lying)

I put her down for her nap.

价值变低 jià zhí biàn dī

adverb (to lower value)

Prices have come down in recent weeks.

音量由大到小地 yīn liàng yóu dà dào xiǎo de

adverb (reduced: in volume, amount, etc.)

We've got our luggage down to one suitcase each.

从以前往后 cóng yǐ qián wǎng hòu

adverb (time: earlier to later) (时间)

Language changes down through the ages.

变弱 biàn ruò

adverb (to lesser strength)

The beer tastes watered down.

现金支付 xiàn jīn zhī fù

adverb (cash payment)

How much money can you put down?

屈服地 qū fú de

adverb (into submission)

He shouted down his opponent.

处于被固定的状态 chǔ yú bèi gù dìng de zhuàng tài

adverb (fixed state)

The antenna was tied down with ropes.

溯源 sù yuán

adverb (to the source)

He tracked down his natural father.

被抑制 bèi yì zhì

adverb (suppressed)

He choked down his emotions.

支持 zhī chí

expression (slang (keen to do [sth])

Sure, I'm down for going hiking this weekend.

坐下! zuò xià

interjection (command to a dog) (对动物发出的口令)

Down, boy! Get back to your kennel.

羽毛 yǔ máo

noun (bird: soft feathers)

These pillows are filled with goose down.

软毛 ruǎn máo

noun (person: soft hair)

He was sixteen and had down on his chin.

绒毛 róng máo

noun (botany: fuzz) (植物)

Peaches have a layer of down on their skin.


noun (UK (range of low ridges in England) (英国)

Bill took his children to fly their kites on the Downs.

唐斯海域, 唐斯锚地

noun (UK (sea area in England) (英国)

The Downs are an area of the sea off the east coast of Kent.


noun as adjective (made with soft feathers)

I find a down pillow more comfortable than a synthetic one.

延绵起伏的山丘 yán mián qǐ fú de shān qiū

plural noun (UK (rolling country)

Sheep were grazing on the downs.

低谷 dī gǔ

plural noun (informal (negative events, experiences)

Life has been hard on me lately; I've had more downs than ups this past year.

去 qù

preposition (UK, informal (at, to)

Were you down the pub last night?

降下 jiàng xià

intransitive verb (informal (fall)

The road ups and downs all the way to the sea.

喝光 hē guāng

transitive verb (informal (drink) (非正式用语)

He downed his beer and left.

击落 jī luò

transitive verb (shoot from the sky)

They downed a helicopter with just a rifle.

打倒 dǎ dǎo

transitive verb (informal (fell, knock to the ground) (非正式用语)

That wrestler could down anyone in thirty seconds.


noun (chromosome abnormality)

My brother was born with Down's syndrome.

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downs 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。