英语 中的 bath 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 bath 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 bath 的说明。

英语 中的bath 表示浴缸 yù gāng, 沐浴 mù yù, 泡澡, 给...洗澡, 婴儿浴盆,婴儿浴缸, 婴儿泡泡浴, 浴缸防滑垫 yù gāng fáng huá diàn, 浴室脚垫 yù shì jiǎo diàn, 浴盐 yù yán, 浴用盐, 香皂 xiāng zào, 沐浴海绵 mù yù hǎi mián, 洗澡时间, 浴巾 yù jīn, 浴缸 yù gāng, 大屠杀 dà tú shā, 泡沫剂 pào mò jì, 泡泡浴 pào pào yù, 洗眼杯, 泡沫浴, 洗脚盆, 洗脚池, 全套卫浴室, 半浴室, 热水浴 rè shuǐ yù, 桑拿浴 sāng ná yù, 主盥洗室, 泥浴 ní yù, 淋浴间, 淋浴 lín yù, 坐浴, 水疗浴缸, 擦澡 cā zǎo, 蒸气浴 zhēng qì yù, 游泳池 yóu yǒng chí, 洗澡 xǐ zǎo, 蒸汽浴,土耳其浴 zhēng qì yù, 蒸汽浴室,土耳其浴室, 漩涡浴 xuán wō yù。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 bath 的含义

浴缸 yù gāng

noun (UK (bathtub: tub in bathroom)

Before the guests arrive, please scrub the bath and mop the floor.

沐浴 mù yù

noun (wash in a tub)

Amy felt much better after a hot bath.


intransitive verb (UK (bathe: take a bath)

Naomi prefers to bath, rather than shower, in the evening.


transitive verb (UK (bathe: wash in a tub) (在浴缸里)

Fiona checked the temperature of the water before bathing the baby.


noun (small bathtub for baby)

Babies must never be left alone in a baby bath.


noun (bubblebath for babies)

浴缸防滑垫 yù gāng fáng huá diàn

noun (rubber mat in bath)

A good bath mat helps you not to slip in the shower.

浴室脚垫 yù shì jiǎo diàn

noun (fabric mat on bathroom floor)

浴盐 yù yán

plural noun (scented crystals)



香皂 xiāng zào

noun (soap for the body)

Watch out for bath soaps that dry out your skin.

沐浴海绵 mù yù hǎi mián

noun (for washing body)


noun (time allocated for a bath)

My kids always hide when it's bath time.

浴巾 yù jīn

noun (large towel used after a bath)

There are clean bath towels under the sink.

浴缸 yù gāng

noun (tub used for bathing)

Can you fill up the bath tub for me?

大屠杀 dà tú shā

noun (figurative (massacre)

The battle was a bloodbath, with 10,000 soldiers killed.

泡沫剂 pào mò jì

noun (liquid soap: for bath)

泡泡浴 pào pào yù

noun (bath: with soap bubbles)

I take a bubble bath after exercising in order to relax my muscles.


noun (device for washing eye)


noun (bubble bath)


noun (basin, bowl for washing feet)


noun (swimming pool: basin for cleaning feet) (游泳馆)


noun (washroom: has bath, shower) (指既有淋浴也有坐浴的)


noun (US (washroom: no bath or shower) (卫生间:无浴缸或淋浴)

热水浴 rè shuǐ yù

noun (bathtub filled with hot water)

There's nothing like relaxing in a hot bath after a hard day's work.

桑拿浴 sāng ná yù

plural noun (sauna or steam-bath treatment)


(master bedroom: bathroom)

泥浴 ní yù

noun (skin treatment: soaking in mud)

A mud bath is good for the skin and the spirit.


noun (place for bathing)

The shower in my bathroom is very small.

淋浴 lín yù

noun (bathing in sprayed water)

I prefer a shower to a bath.


noun (bath: thighs, hips only)


noun (whirlpool, jacuzzi, hot tub)

擦澡 cā zǎo

noun (all-over body wash)

蒸气浴 zhēng qì yù

noun (sauna)

游泳池 yóu yǒng chí

noun (public pool)

Young children are forbidden to go into the deep end of the swimming pool.

洗澡 xǐ zǎo

verbal expression (mainly US (bathe)

I prefer to take a shower, while others like to take a leisurely bath.

蒸汽浴,土耳其浴 zhēng qì yù

noun (often plural (steam room, shower, rubdown)


plural noun (place offering steam room, etc.)

漩涡浴 xuán wō yù

noun (jacuzzi)

I'd love to have a whirlpool bath to relax in at the end of the day.

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bath 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。