英语 中的 attacking 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 attacking 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 attacking 的说明。

英语 中的attacking 表示攻击,袭击 gōng jī,xí jī, 袭击,攻击,进攻 xí jī,gōng jī,jìn gōng, 袭来,突发,一阵 xí lái,tū fā ,yí zhèn, 侵袭,发作 qīn xí,fā zuò, 进攻 jìn gōng, 攻击,袭击 gōng jī,xí jī, 抨击 pēng jī, (敌意地)攻击, 全力解决, 空袭 kōng xí, 攻击角 gōng jī jiǎo, 哮喘发作, 轰炸 hōng zhà, 反攻 fǎn gōng, 反击 fǎn jī, 毁灭性打击 huǐ miè xìng dǎ jī, 大肆抨击,犀利指责, 毒气攻击 dú qì gōng jī, 心脏病发作 xīn zàng bìng fā zuò, 心脏骤停, 对...发动攻击, 对...发起抨击, 大规模进攻 dà guī mó jìn gōng, 易受攻击的 yì shòu gōng jī de, 易遭非议的 yì zāo fēi yì de, 突然袭来的焦虑感, 种族主义者的袭击 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì zhě de xí jī, 偷袭 tōu xí, 恐怖袭击, 遭到攻击 zāo dào gōng jī, 遭受攻击,被批判地 zāo shòu gōng jī,bèi pī pàn de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 attacking 的含义

攻击,袭击 gōng jī,xí jī

noun (assault) (用武力)

The attack left him with a broken nose.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 报纸的大肆抨击让这位作者痛苦不堪。

袭击,攻击,进攻 xí jī,gōng jī,jìn gōng

noun (military: offensive operation) (军事)

The attack lasted twelve hours before the enemy surrendered.

袭来,突发,一阵 xí lái,tū fā ,yí zhèn

noun (onset: of panic, etc.) (情感、感觉等)

Whenever I see a police car, I have an attack of anxiety.

侵袭,发作 qīn xí,fā zuò

noun (bout: of illness) (疾病)

I had an attack of diarrhoea last night.

进攻 jìn gōng

noun (aggressive move) (体育运动)

The team's attack on the goal took their opponents by surprise.

攻击,袭击 gōng jī,xí jī

transitive verb (assault) (用武力)

The robbers attacked him in the street.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 新闻媒体对这本新书进行了大肆抨击。

抨击 pēng jī

transitive verb (criticize severely)

The candidate viciously attacked his opponent.


intransitive verb (act with hostility)

Some people attack verbally when they are nervous.


transitive verb (figurative (set about vigorously)

He attacked the problem with enthusiasm.

空袭 kōng xí

noun (bombing or strafing by plane)

As the Second World War neared its end, many German cities faced Allied air attacks.

攻击角 gōng jī jiǎo

noun (plane: wing angle) (空军)

Changing the angle of attack of a wing changes the lift it generates.


noun (respiratory problem)

He had an asthma attack in the middle of the soccer game.

轰炸 hōng zhà

noun (explosive assault)

反攻 fǎn gōng

noun (military: retaliation)

They quickly waged a counter-attack to try to regain the upper hand.

反击 fǎn jī

noun (verbal response)

The journalist published a scathing counterattack.

毁灭性打击 huǐ miè xìng dǎ jī

noun (attack causing large-scale damage)

In the war, Dresden suffered a devastating attack by fire-bombing.


noun (figurative (severe verbal criticism) (用语言)

He launched a devastating attack on her morals, leaving her in tears.

毒气攻击 dú qì gōng jī

noun (uses poisonous gas)

The soldiers are trained to use gas masks in case of a gas attack.

心脏病发作 xīn zàng bìng fā zuò

noun (blocked circulation to the heart)

Shortness of breath and a pain in your arm may signal a heart attack.


noun (informal (cardiac arrest)

Don't surprise John, you'll give him a heart attack.


verbal expression (military: begin combat)

Prepare to launch an attack, men.


verbal expression (criticize harshly)

The newspaper article launched an attack on the president and his policies.

大规模进攻 dà guī mó jìn gōng

noun (large-scale bombardment)

易受攻击的 yì shòu gōng jī de

adjective (vulnerable to being attacked)

The enemy soldiers were in the middle of a field, open to attack, not hidden away.

易遭非议的 yì zāo fēi yì de

adjective (figurative (easy to criticize)

Celebrities who talk about their relationships on TV are open to attack in the newspapers.


noun (onset of acute anxiety)

Hyperventilation is one symptom of a panic attack.

种族主义者的袭击 zhǒng zú zhǔ yì zhě de xí jī

noun (violence motivated by racial prejudice)

Racist attacks have been increasing in recent years.

偷袭 tōu xí

noun (stealth attack)

The British took Quebec in a sneak attack at night.


noun (targeted act of political violence)

遭到攻击 zāo dào gōng jī

adverb (subjected to physical aggression)

They became aware that the castle was under attack.

遭受攻击,被批判地 zāo shòu gōng jī,bèi pī pàn de

adverb (figurative (subjected to criticism) (语言上)

His critique of the policy is under attack from the conservatives.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。