Wat betekent line in Engels?

Wat is de betekenis van het woord line in Engels? Het artikel legt de volledige betekenis uit, de uitspraak samen met tweetalige voorbeelden en instructies voor het gebruik van line in Engels.

Het woord line in Engels betekent lijn, streep, rij, lijn, rimpel, liniëren, lijn, voeren, rij, regel, lijn, grens, touw, koord, lijn, lijn, waslijn, lijn, leiding, regel, tekst, berichtje, krabbeltje, richting, richting, lijn, openingszin, vorm, linie, linie, afdelingsleider, lopende band, smoesje, excuusje, verdedigings- of aanvalslinie, in een rij gaan staan, een rij vormen, een strakke, lage bal slaan bij honkbal, voeren, opstellen, iets opstellen, op een lijn staan, zich opstellen, iets organiseren, op één lijn liggen, grondlijn, grens, grenslijn, punt, winst, rij bij de gaarkeuken, busbedrijf, buslijn, naamregel, rassenscheiding, dagtekening, scheidslijn, stippellijn, de grens trekken, een grens trekken, breuklijn, dunne lijn tussen iets en iets, eindstreep, brandgang, vislijn, frontlinie, frontlinie, in de rij plaatsnemen, in de rij staan, op je beurt wachten, online gaan, compromisloos, strikt, klantenservice, helpdesk, hotline, in het gareel, skeelers, in overeenstemming met, openhartig spreken, reddingslijn, navelstreng, branche, sector, kredietlijn, vuurlinie, vuurlinie, lijn van opvolging, gezichtslijn, branche, sector, iets op elkaar afstemmen, osloconfrontatie, lijst van deelnemende artiesten, planning, deelnemersveld, volgende, opvolger, offline, offline, online, online, online, in de rij staan, oever, sneeuwgrens, verhaallijn, zich hard opstellen, een harde positie innemen, een harde lijn voeren, eindpunt, grens, vislijn, peil. Raadpleeg de onderstaande details voor meer informatie.

Luister naar uitspraak

Betekenis van het woord line

lijn, streep

noun (drawn mark)

He drew a curved line on the paper to show the shape.


noun (row)

He planted a line of potatoes in the garden.


noun (company: shipping, bus)

This bus line goes to many towns.


noun (wrinkle)

The lines on her face have increased with age.


transitive verb (mark with lines)

The teacher told the pupils to line their blank sheets of paper before writing on them.


noun (business: group of products)

The company has a product line of mobile phones for consumers.


transitive verb (add lining)

She lined the inside of the box with paper to protect the contents.


noun (US (queue of waiting people, vehicles) (personen)

The line for tickets was too long, so we went somewhere else.


noun (song)

The verse has four lines and the chorus has two.


noun (math: continuous extent)

The formula creates a line on the graph.


noun (limit, frontier)

The line between North and South Korea is heavily militarized.

touw, koord

noun (cord)

I need a thick line to tie up this box.


noun (telephone)

The line got disconnected and I called her back.


noun (fishing)

He tossed the line to the deepest part of the river, trying to catch a fish.


noun (clothesline)

She hung the clothes on the line to dry.


noun (rail: between 2 points)

The local metro has two lines; Red and Green.


noun (pipes)

The sewage line got blocked and overflowed.


noun (row of written characters)

The paragraph takes up ten lines in the book.


noun (usually plural (actor's words)

The actor lost his job because he couldn't remember his lines in the movie.

berichtje, krabbeltje

noun (informal (short message)

Drop me a line on Tuesday and we can talk about it then.


noun (thought, policy)

His line of thought is consistent with that of the religious authorities.


noun (route, direction)

Follow the line of the mountains and you will get to the town.


noun (beings with common ancestry)

This line of kings dates back to the fourteenth century.


noun (slang (prepared excuse)

He tried to pick her up with the old line: "Have we met before?"


noun (contour, design)

The new museum was admired for its beautiful lines, curving through the sky.


noun (military: fortifications)

The three lines of defence against the enemy didn't stop them.


noun (military: position)

The youngest soldiers often end up on the front lines of the war.


noun (business: operations managers)

I will ask my line manager for her advice before talking to the boss.

lopende band

noun (business: assembly line)

The assembly line runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

smoesje, excuusje

noun (informal (lie)

She fed me some line about the dog eating her homework.

verdedigings- of aanvalslinie

noun (American football) (American football)

He plays on the offensive line, and protects the quarterback.

in een rij gaan staan, een rij vormen

intransitive verb (take position)

Please line up here and we will see you one at a time.

een strakke, lage bal slaan bij honkbal

transitive verb (baseball: hit a line drive)

He lined the ball to center field and got to first base.


transitive verb (be lining)

The paper lined the sides of the box.


phrasal verb, transitive, separable (arrange in a row)

The teacher lined up all her students before taking them out to recess.

iets opstellen

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (align)

Please line up the pictures on the wall so they are all straight.

op een lijn staan

(be aligned with [sth])

The two holes did not line up with each other, so I could not insert the bolt.

zich opstellen

phrasal verb, intransitive (form a queue)

People lined up in front of the box office to buy tickets for the show.

iets organiseren

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (figurative (schedule, arrange)

I've lined up a lot of activities for us this week.

op één lijn liggen

(be aligned with)

The two holes did not line up with each other, so I could not insert the bolt.


noun (guiding measurement)

grens, grenslijn

noun (line marking a boundary)

They crossed the borderline into Canada around sunset.


noun (figurative, informal (crucial fact)

The bottom line is you cannot be late for work anymore.


noun (informal, figurative (business: profit, loss)

rij bij de gaarkeuken

noun (queue for charity handouts) (liefdadigheidsinstelling)

Dozens of hungry people, many of them homeless, were waiting in the breadline.


noun (company that runs buses)

The bus line operates 15 buses and employs 18 drivers.


noun (itinerary of a city bus)

This bus line goes past the hospital and the railway station. The bus route was changed due to road construction.


noun (journalism: author's name) (journalisme)


noun (separation by skin color)


noun (news: line telling date and place of origin) (in krant)


noun (figurative (distinction)

The dividing line between genius and madness is thin indeed.


noun (line of dots on a document)

de grens trekken, een grens trekken

(set a limit or restriction)

I went out for a few beers, but I drew the line at doing shots.


noun (geology: crack in the earth)

Built on a fault line, the city of Ephesus was destroyed by earthquakes.

dunne lijn tussen iets en iets

noun (figurative (little distinction)

There's a fine line between genius and insanity.


noun (race: end point)

Only twelve runners crossed the finishing line.


noun (US (prevents spread of fire)


noun (cord used to catch fish)

The bass was so huge it broke my fishing line and got away.


noun (battlefront in a war)

The soldiers' legs trembled when they heard they would be sent to the front line. For many years, female soldiers were not allowed on the front lines.


noun (figurative (forefront of a field of endeavor) (figuurlijk)

The researchers at this university are on the frontline of medical research.

in de rij plaatsnemen, in de rij staan

verbal expression (join a queue)

We all got in line for the roller-coaster.
We stonden allemaal in de rij voor de achtbaan.

op je beurt wachten

verbal expression (figurative (wait your turn)

You want to take your revenge on him? You'll have to get in line!

online gaan

(connect to internet)

compromisloos, strikt

noun as adjective (staunch, uncompromising)

klantenservice, helpdesk

noun (phone service offering support)

If you are unsatisfied with this product, please call our helpline, open 24 hours a day.


noun (direct phone connection)

The company runs a free hotline for customers to call at any time, day or night.

in het gareel

adverb (figurative (under control) (figuurlijk)

It's hard work keeping a class of 5-year olds in line. The team members were unruly, but the new coach soon got them in line.


adjective (skates)

Inline roller skates are good for skating outdoors.

in overeenstemming met

verbal expression (figurative (correspond to)

Our operating procedures are in line with state requirements.

openhartig spreken

verbal expression (informal, figurative (speak frankly)

The CEO laid it on the line: "The business needs to reform or it will face dire consequences."


noun (rope used in sea rescues)

The ship's captain threw a lifeline to the passenger who had fallen overboard.


noun (figurative (means or source of support) (figuurlijk)

This road is the town's lifeline and must be kept open despite the snow.

branche, sector

noun (profession, trade: field)

In his line of business it is customary to pay in cash only. The company is going to eliminate the two lines of business that are not performing well.


noun (customer's maximum credit)

I have a thousand dollar line of credit with that store, so I will buy a new sofa today. I opened a line of credit at the bank to use in case of emergencies.


noun (literal (path of a bullet)

They are sending that soldier forward in the battle, where he will be in the direct line of fire.


noun (figurative (vulnerable position) (figuurlijk)

The president of the company is in the line of fire of shareholders' crticisms.

lijn van opvolging

noun (order in which people succeed to vacated office)

Generally, the oldest prince is first in the line of succession for the throne. The vice-president is highest in the line of succession for the office of president.


noun (line from eye to focal point)

The car came from outside my line of vision and crashed into the side of our car.

branche, sector

noun (profession, trade: field)

Police officers regularly have to deal with danger in their line of work.

iets op elkaar afstemmen

verbal expression (align)

When using the cutter, line your paper up with the guideline.


noun (suspects: identity parade)

The store owner identified his assailant in a police lineup.

lijst van deelnemende artiesten

noun (acts billed for a show)

There is a great line-up for this year's festival, including many famous stars.


noun (schedule of events)

The festival's lineup will be published this week.


noun (sport: participants)

The fans objected to the team's lineup; it was missing the best player!


noun (person: front of queue) (in een rij)

The immigration officer called for the next in line to step forward.


noun (figurative (expected successor: to [sth])

Prince Charles is next in line to the throne.


adverb (computing: while not connected)

I was chatting to Harry when he suddenly went offline.


adjective (computing: not connected)

When I work, I have no use for an offline computer.


adverb (connected to internet) (anglicisme)

More and more people are starting to shop online.


adjective (connected to internet) (anglicisme)

Sharon downloaded the album so that she wouldn't have to be online to listen to it.


adjective (found on the internet) (anglicisme)

You can try the online support.

in de rij staan

intransitive verb (UK (wait in a line of people, vehicles) (mensen)

People were queuing outside the shop at 5 am on the day of the sale.


noun (water's edge)

Two turtles sunned themselves on the shoreline.


noun (lower boundary of perennial snow)


noun (fiction: plot, story)

I found the storyline of “War and Peace” really difficult to follow.

zich hard opstellen

verbal expression (be staunch, uncompromising)

een harde positie innemen, een harde lijn voeren

verbal expression (be staunch about [sth])


noun (literal (last stop of train or bus)

The conductor announced the end of the line so we got off the train. After the bus reaches the end of the line, you'll have to walk a little bit.


noun (figurative (point [sth] ceases to exist) (figuurlijk)

Jim's patience finally reached the end of the line.


noun (long fishing line)

The boys helped their fathers by attaching hooks to the trawls.


noun (mark of water level)

The flood had left a watermark on the wall.

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Ken je iets van Engels

Het Engels is afkomstig van Germaanse stammen die naar Engeland zijn geëmigreerd en is over een periode van meer dan 1400 jaar geëvolueerd. Engels is de derde meest gesproken taal ter wereld, na Chinees en Spaans. Het is de meest geleerde tweede taal en de officiële taal van bijna 60 soevereine landen. Deze taal heeft een groter aantal sprekers als tweede en vreemde taal dan moedertaalsprekers. Engels is ook de co-officiële taal van de Verenigde Naties, van de Europese Unie en van vele andere internationale en regionale organisaties. Tegenwoordig kunnen Engelstaligen over de hele wereld relatief gemakkelijk communiceren.