英语 中的 stuck in a traffic jam 是什么意思?
英语 中的单词 stuck in a traffic jam 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 stuck in a traffic jam 的说明。
英语 中的stuck in a traffic jam 表示卡住的 kǎ zhù de, 难住 nán zhù, 树枝 shù zhī, 插入 chā rù, 用胶水粘住, 粘住 zhān zhù, 粘在…上, 炸药棒 zhá yào bàng, 指挥棒 zhǐ huī bàng, 曲棍球棒 qū gùn qiú bàng, 驾驶杆,操纵杆 jià shǐ gān,cāo zòng gān, 四分之一磅, 拐杖 guǎi zhàng, 批评 pī píng, 无法移动 wú fǎ yí dòng, 粘着 nián zhuó, 卡住 qiǎ zhù, 保留 bǎo liú, 刺穿 cì chuān, 刺穿,贯穿 cì chuān,guàn chuān, 伸出 shēn chū, 把...强加给, 忍受 rěn shòu, 陷入 xiàn rù, 陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng, 陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng, 被困在…上, 热衷于, 语塞, 一成不变的 yì chéng bú biàn de, 迷恋某人 mí liàn mǒu rén, 困于, 自大的 zì dà de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。
单词 stuck in a traffic jam 的含义
卡住的 kǎ zhù deadjective (unable to move) We had to get a farmer to come with his tractor and help us move the stuck car. The cat was stuck in a tree. 我们不得不请一位农夫把他的拖拉机开来,帮我们拖出被陷住的车。猫被困在了树上。 |
难住 nán zhù(informal (unable to figure [sth] out) I'm stuck on this question. Do you know what the answer is? 我被这道题难住了。你知道答案么? |
树枝 shù zhīnoun (small branch, twig) The kids gathered some sticks for the fire. 小孩捡来一些枯枝生火。 |
插入 chā rù(thrust [sth] in) The cook stuck the knife into the mango. 厨师把刀戳进芒果里。 |
用胶水粘住transitive verb (attach with glue) Once his letter was inside, Brian stuck the envelope and took it to the post office. 一把信放进信封,布莱恩就用胶水粘住信封口,然后把封好的信拿去了邮局。 |
粘住 zhān zhù(informal (attach) Let me stick this notice on the board. 让我把这个通知贴在布告板上。 |
粘在…上(adhere to) The glue stuck to my fingers and I had to scrub for 10 minutes to remove it. 胶水粘在我的手指上了,我揉了10分钟才弄干净。 |
炸药棒 zhá yào bàngnoun (dynamite cartridge) They used five sticks of dynamite to blow the hole in the rock. 他们使用五根炸药棒来炸开岩块上的缺口。 |
指挥棒 zhǐ huī bàngnoun (dated (baton) The police used their sticks to control the crowd. |
曲棍球棒 qū gùn qiú bàngnoun (lacrosse, hockey stick) The hockey player broke his stick and needed another one. 曲棍球运动员弄坏了自己的球棒,所以需要换一支。 |
驾驶杆,操纵杆 jià shǐ gān,cāo zòng gānnoun (airplane control handle) (飞机的) The pilot pulled back on the stick to fly higher. 飞行员回拉驾驶杆,来使飞机飞向更高处。 |
四分之一磅noun (US (butter: quarter pound) (黄油) I need a stick of butter for this recipe. 做这道菜,我需要四分之一磅的黄油。 |
拐杖 guǎi zhàngnoun (walking stick) The old man leaned on his stick as he stood watching the children run across the field. 在那位老人看着孩子们在田野上奔跑时,他倚靠在自己的拐杖上。 |
批评 pī píngnoun (informal (criticism) Karen got a lot of stick off her colleagues for the mistake she'd made. 由于自己犯下的过失,凯伦受到了许多来自同事的指责。 |
无法移动 wú fǎ yí dòngintransitive verb (become immobilized) I was shifting into third gear when the gear lever suddenly stuck. 当挡杆突然动不了的时候,我正在挂三挡。 |
粘着 nián zhuóintransitive verb (remain attached) The fly stuck to the sticky trap. 苍蝇粘在了捕蝇板上。 |
卡住 qiǎ zhùintransitive verb (be stopped by an obstruction) The zipper stuck halfway up. 拉链拉到一半就卡住了。 |
保留 bǎo liúintransitive verb (informal (remain, endure) Barry's brothers gave him the nickname "Bud" when he was a child, and it stuck. 在巴里孩提时代,兄弟们给他起了个小名:“小芽”,这名字就这样持续了下去。 |
刺穿 cì chuāntransitive verb (puncture) Julie stuck the plastic with a pin to drain the water. |
刺穿,贯穿 cì chuān,guàn chuāntransitive verb (impale) The spear stuck the explorer through the heart. 长矛贯穿了探险者的心脏。 |
伸出 shēn chūtransitive verb (place in position) The dog stuck his head out the window. |
把...强加给transitive verb (lumber: with [sth] disagreeable) (令人不快的东西) Harry's friends stuck him with the dinner bill. |
忍受 rěn shòutransitive verb (UK, informal (tolerate) I don't think I can stick much more of this film; it's abysmal! 我觉得自己不能再忍受这部片子了,它简直没完没了,烂透了! |
陷入 xiàn rù(unable to move) The car got stuck in the mud and a local farmer had to pull it free with his tractor. 那辆车陷入泥坑,一位当地的农民 |
陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìngverbal expression (informal (burden) My sister went shopping with her friend and I got stuck with babysitting her two small children. 我姐姐和朋友出去购物了,我因为照看她的两个小孩而无法脱身。 |
陷入困境 xiàn rù kùn jìng(figurative (unable to proceed) Neil was trying to solve a maths problem, but got stuck. 尼尔正试着解一道数学题,不过陷入了困境。 |
被困在…上(figurative (unable to proceed) Olivia got stuck on the last crossword clue. 奥利维亚被困在最后一个纵横字谜提示上。 |
热衷于verbal expression (UK, informal (start doing [sth] enthusiastically) |
语塞adjective (not knowing what to say) When asked why he was late, he was stuck for words. |
一成不变的 yì chéng bú biàn deadjective (figurative, informal (bored by routine) Isabella feels that she is stuck in a rut in her current job. |
迷恋某人 mí liàn mǒu rénadjective (slang, figurative (infatuated with [sb]) The girl was stuck on the blond guy. |
困于expression (problem, etc.: unable to overcome) |
自大的 zì dà deadjective (pejorative, informal (snobbish) She was really stuck up: she thought she was better than everyone else. |
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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。