英语 中的 strong bodied 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 strong bodied 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 strong bodied 的说明。

英语 中的strong bodied 表示强壮的 qiáng zhuàng de, 坚固的 jiān gù de, 浓烈的,浓重的 nóng liè de ,nóng zhòng de, 健壮的 jiàn zhuàng de, 极强的,极高的 jí qiáng de,jí gāo de, 有说服力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de, 令人信服的 lìng rén xìn fú de, 坚决的 jiān jué de, 不规则变化的,强变格的 bù guī zé biàn huà de,qiáng biàn gé de, 强变格的 qiáng biàn gé de, 擅长的 shàn cháng de, 浓重的,明显的 nóng zhòng de ,míng xiǎn de, 激烈的,骂人的 jī liè de ,mà rén de, 特别相似的 tè bié xiāng shì de, 烈性的 liè xìng de, 上涨的,上升的 shàng zhǎng de ,shàng shēng de, 放大率大的 fàng dà lǜ dà de, 多达…的,有…的, 强壮的人, 强壮者, 表现得太强硬, 产生强烈效果或影响 chǎn shēng qiáng liè xiào guǒ huò yǐng xiǎng, 闻起来味道很大 wén qǐ lái wèi dào hěn dà, 强壮的男人 qiáng zhuàng de nán rén, 大力士 dà lì shì, 强烈意见,坚定的观点, 长处 cháng chù, 强项 qiáng xiàng, 同样花式的一组牌, 对…用暴力, 强制的 qiáng zhì de, 强制手段 qiáng zhì shǒu duàn, 坚定的, 意志坚强的, 意志坚定, 意志坚强的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 strong bodied 的含义

强壮的 qiáng zhuàng de

adjective (powerful)

Arnold is a strong man.

坚固的 jiān gù de

adjective (solid)

The table has a strong construction.

浓烈的,浓重的 nóng liè de ,nóng zhòng de

adjective (of the senses: intensity) (味道、气味等)

That food has a strong odour.

健壮的 jiàn zhuàng de

adjective (healthy)

I have a strong immune system.

极强的,极高的 jí qiáng de,jí gāo de

adjective (mentally powerful) (智商等)

Lily possesses a strong intellect.

有说服力的 yǒu shuō fú lì de

adjective (persuasive)

You have a strong argument.

令人信服的 lìng rén xìn fú de

adjective (convincing)

The actor gave a strong performance.

坚决的 jiān jué de

adjective (resolute)

Kim has a strong will.

不规则变化的,强变格的 bù guī zé biàn huà de,qiáng biàn gé de

adjective (grammar: verbs) (指动词)

Swim is a strong verb.

强变格的 qiáng biàn gé de

adjective (grammar: nouns) (指名词)

In German, strong nouns do not end in -n.

擅长的 shàn cháng de

adjective (competent)

Lance is a strong defender.

浓重的,明显的 nóng zhòng de ,míng xiǎn de

adjective (accent) (口音)

The taxi driver has a strong accent.

激烈的,骂人的 jī liè de ,mà rén de

adjective (language) (指言辞)

This movie contains strong language.

特别相似的 tè bié xiāng shì de

adjective (resemblance)

Sarah bears a strong resemblance to her cousin.

烈性的 liè xìng de

adjective (containing much alcohol)

This is a strong cocktail.

上涨的,上升的 shàng zhǎng de ,shàng shēng de

adjective (markets: steady)

The markets had a strong week.

放大率大的 fàng dà lǜ dà de

adjective (optics: great magnification) (光学术语)

You have strong glasses.


adjective (in number)

The crowd was 1000-strong. There was a 100-strong turnout of volunteers for the beach cleanup.

强壮的人, 强壮者

plural noun (fittest beings)

Only the strong survive.


(be forceful)

I don't like it when salespeople come on strong.

产生强烈效果或影响 chǎn shēng qiáng liè xiào guǒ huò yǐng xiǎng

verbal expression (make a big impact)

Bright colors have a strong effect on mood.

闻起来味道很大 wén qǐ lái wèi dào hěn dà

(have a powerful scent)

Wow, that whisky smells strong!

强壮的男人 qiáng zhuàng de nán rén

noun (man: physically strong)

In times of war, a nation will often back a strongman, believing that the "tough guy" can help see them through.

大力士 dà lì shì

noun (male physical performer)


noun (firmly-held belief)

长处 cháng chù

noun ([sb]'s best quality or feature)

强项 qiáng xiàng

noun (figurative ([sb]'s talent, strong point)


noun (card game suit)


transitive verb (show aggression)

强制的 qiáng zhì de

adjective (forceful)

强制手段 qiáng zhì shǒu duàn

plural noun (figurative (threats, violence)

He used strong-arm tactics to undermine his rival's confidence.

坚定的, 意志坚强的

adjective (determined, willful)

It's difficult to argue with my strong-minded parents.


noun (strong-willed, determined)


adjective (determined, stubborn)

You're wasting your time arguing with her: she's more strong-willed than you.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。