英语 中的 returns 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 returns 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 returns 的说明。

英语 中的returns 表示归还 guī huán, 将某物归还给某人, 把…归还给…,把…还给, 回,回来,返回,回归 huí,huí lái,fǎn huí,huí guī, 回 huí, 返回 fǎn huí, 复发,重犯,回复,反复 fù fā ,zhòng fàn,huí fù,fǎn fù, 退货 tuì huò, 退还…,退回…, 返回的 fǎn huí de, 寄回的,回复的 jì huí de,huí fù de, 再次的,再度的 zài cì de ,zài dù de, 返回的 fǎn huí de, 重新的,再次的 chóng xīn de,zài cì de, 使能够返回的 shǐ néng gòu fǎn huí de, 回归 huí guī, 报酬 bào chóu, 回应 huí yìng, 回报 huí bào, 申报 shēn bào, 往返票 wǎng fǎn piào, 回球,回传球,回球反攻 huí qiú,huí chuán qiú,huí qiú fǎn gōng, 转延, 回电 huí diàn, 归还(原主) guī huán yuán zhǔ, 重现 chóng xiàn, 回复 huí fù, 回到 huí dào, 反驳 fǎn bó, 回响 huí xiǎng, 反映 fǎn yìng, 提供…收益, 宣布(判决) xuān bù pàn jué, 将...击回, 重新选举…为议员, 回报 huí bào, 把…放回 bǎ fàng huí, 年收益率,年回报率,年度收益 nián shōu yì lǜ,nián huí bào lǜ, 作为交换 zuò wéi jiāo huàn, 作为回报 zuò wéi huí bào, 作为对…的回报, 作为对…的回报, 一去不返 yí qù bù fǎn, 不能回头的地步 bù néng huí tóu de dì bù, 回电话 huí diàn huà, 宣布裁决, 回寄地址 huí jì dì zhǐ, 从…回来 cóng huí lái, 返程, 第二会合比赛, 投资回报率 tóu zī huí bào lǜ, 回执 huí zhí, 返程票 fǎn chéng piào, 退回发件人 tuì huí fā jiàn rén, 尘归尘 chén guī chén, 重返老家,浪子回头 chóng fǎn lǎo jiā,làng zǐ huí tóu, 寻根溯源 xún gēn sù yuán, 往返票 wǎng fǎn piào, 纳税申报单 nà shuì shēn bào dān。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 returns 的含义

归还 guī huán

transitive verb (give back)

Could you return that DVD I lent you?


(give back to owner)

You should return that money to its rightful owner.


(take back)

Please ensure you return your books to the library on time.

回,回来,返回,回归 huí,huí lái,fǎn huí,huí guī

intransitive verb (come back)

I hope he returns soon.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 他受到教训后老实了几天,不久又故态复萌了。

回 huí

(go back to)

I often return to the town I grew up in.

返回 fǎn huí

noun (act: going back to a place)

We must prepare for his return.

复发,重犯,回复,反复 fù fā ,zhòng fàn,huí fù,fǎn fù

noun (recurrence) (疾病等)

She's been unhappy since the return of her arthritis.

退货 tuì huò

noun (commerce: goods) (商贸)

Returns must be accompanied with a receipt.


transitive verb (commerce: goods) (商贸: 商品)

I don't like these boots after all; I'm going to return them.

返回的 fǎn huí de

adjective (of a return, returning)

Save some food for the return trip.

寄回的,回复的 jì huí de,huí fù de

adjective (sent, done in return)

I'll write a return letter next week.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 谢谢你回赠的礼物,我很喜欢。

再次的,再度的 zài cì de ,zài dù de

adjective (recurring)

They have a return engagement on Mondays.

返回的 fǎn huí de

adjective (used to return)

Then the water passes through the return pipe.

重新的,再次的 chóng xīn de,zài cì de

adjective (sports) (同样两个对手之间的重赛)

They equalized during the return match.

使能够返回的 shǐ néng gòu fǎn huí de

adjective (enabling a return)

Make sure you include return postage.

回归 huí guī

noun (act of restoring)

It feels like a return to normal, now that you're back.

报酬 bào chóu

noun (repayment)

I received no returns for my services.

回应 huí yìng

noun (response)

He had no return to her stinging attacks.

回报 huí bào

noun (earnings, profit) (经济)

These investments offer a considerable rate of return.

申报 shēn bào

noun (report, form)

Have you filled in your tax return yet?

往返票 wǎng fǎn piào

noun (UK (round-trip ticket)

I'd like two returns for London, please.

回球,回传球,回球反攻 huí qiú,huí chuán qiú,huí qiú fǎn gōng

noun (American football: runback) (橄榄球)

He executed a superb return.


noun (architecture: change in direction) (建筑)

A woman was praying on the return of the staircase.

回电 huí diàn

verbal expression (phone [sb] back)

Can I return your call when I'm less busy?

归还(原主) guī huán yuán zhǔ

intransitive verb (revert to prior owner)

At the expiration of the lease, the landlord will regain full rights, as ownership returns.

重现 chóng xiàn

intransitive verb (recur)

My nightmares are returning over and over again.

回复 huí fù

(revert to: earlier condition) (回到之前的状态)

After eating dinner, I returned to my studies.

回到 huí dào

(subject: go back to) (之前的话题)

Let's return to the subject we touched upon earlier.

反驳 fǎn bó

transitive verb (retort)

It's not over yet, he returned.

回响 huí xiǎng

transitive verb (reverberate)

The tunnel returned the sound of the car's engine.

反映 fǎn yìng

transitive verb (reflect)

The lake surface returned her image.


transitive verb (finance: earn)

It's an investment that returns at least 7%.

宣布(判决) xuān bù pàn jué

transitive verb (judgment)

The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.


transitive verb (ball: hit back) (球)

The champion smashed the ball, but the challenger managed to return it.


transitive verb (official: re-elect) (通过民意选举)

She was returned to office with a slender majority.

回报 huí bào

transitive verb (feelings: reciprocate) (某人的感情)

I was never able to return his love.

把…放回 bǎ fàng huí

(put back)

Return all books to the appropriate place on the shelf.

年收益率,年回报率,年度收益 nián shōu yì lǜ,nián huí bào lǜ

noun (profit or loss made over a year)

作为交换 zuò wéi jiāo huàn

preposition (in exchange)

Watch my kids for me today and in return, I will watch yours tomorrow.

作为回报 zuò wéi huí bào

adverb (as payment)

You're always buying me lunch – just this once let me buy you a meal in return.


preposition (in exchange, as payment)

He bought me dinner in return for the favour I did him.


preposition (in exchange, as payment)

I cooked her a meal in return for looking after the kids while I was shopping.

一去不返 yí qù bù fǎn

expression (not going to come back)

He has left this country, never to return. Her son went to war, never to return.

不能回头的地步 bù néng huí tóu de dì bù

noun (point when one becomes committed to [sth])

As he got into the car he realised he'd passed the point of no return.

回电话 huí diàn huà

verbal expression (phone [sb] back)

I'll catch up with you later, I have to return a call before I go.


verbal expression (jury: decide if guilty) (陪审团)

After much deliberation, the jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

回寄地址 huí jì dì zhǐ

noun (postal address of sender)

Don't forget to put your return address on the back of the parcel.

从…回来 cóng huí lái

(come back from)

When I returned from my vacation, I had a serious sun burn. When you return from the store, can we go to the movies?


noun (trip back from a place)


noun (sport: second game between same teams)

We were beaten 5-0 in the first game, so let's hope we do better in the return match.

投资回报率 tóu zī huí bào lǜ

noun (profit)

This is the best way to maximize your return on investment.

回执 huí zhí

noun (document signed on receiving mail)

返程票 fǎn chéng piào

noun (entitlement to make a round trip)

Would you like a single or return ticket, sir?

退回发件人 tuì huí fā jiàn rén

expression (written (letter or parcel: undeliverable) (邮件等)

尘归尘 chén guī chén

verbal expression (die and be buried)

重返老家,浪子回头 chóng fǎn lǎo jiā,làng zǐ huí tóu

verbal expression (figurative (come back home) (比喻)

I was travelling the world for the last nine years but now I've returned to the fold.

寻根溯源 xún gēn sù yuán

noun (revisiting the origins of [sth])

This novel is a return to the roots of the genre.

往返票 wǎng fǎn piào

noun (ticket for going and returning)

纳税申报单 nà shuì shēn bào dān

noun (form declaring income)

Please fill out your tax return, reporting your income for the 2008 financial year.

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returns 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。