英语 中的 questioned 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 questioned 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 questioned 的说明。

英语 中的questioned 表示问题 wèn tí, 难题,问题,争议 nán tí,wèn tí,zhēng yì, …的问题 de wèn tí, 讯问 xùn wèn, 怀疑 huái yí, 问句 wèn jù, 问题 wèn tí, 议题 yì tí, 争论的问题 zhēng lùn de wèn tí, 有争议的问题,争议 yǒu zhēng yì de wèn tí,zhēng yì, 提问 tí wèn, 询问 xún wèn, 挑战 tiǎo zhàn, 提问 tí wèn, 向...提问, 引人发问, 假设...是真的, 无可怀疑的 wú kě huái yí de, 附加题,加分题, 令人对…产生怀疑 lìng rén duì chǎn shēng huái yí, 急需讨论的紧要问题 jí xū tǎo lùn de jǐn yào wèn tí, 急待回答的问题 jí dài huí dá de wèn tí, 质疑… zhì yí, 封闭式问题, 反复询问,交叉询问, 直接问句 zhí jiē wèn jù, 后续问题, 好问题 hǎo wèn tí, 问得好! wèn de hǎo, 作为对你的问题的回答 zuò wéi duì nǐ de wèn tí de huí dá, 在考虑中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng, 在争议中 zài zhēng yì zhōng, 诱导性问题,暗示性问题, 开放式问题 kāi fàng shì wèn tí, 尚未解决的问题 shàng wèi jiě jué de wèn tí, 无确定答案的, 不可能的 bù kě néng de, 当前正在讨论的问题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de wèn tí, 开口求婚 kāi kǒu qiú hūn, 提出问题 tí chū wèn tí, 质疑 zhì yí, 争论中的问题 zhēng lùn zhōng de wèn tí, 问号 wèn hào, 质疑,疑问 zhì yí ,yí wèn, 反问 fǎn wèn, 答疑大会 dá yí dà huì, 提问 tí wèn, 提出待解决的问题, 反问 fǎn wèn, 反意疑问句, 这毋庸置疑, …是毋庸置疑的, 陷阱问题, 是非疑问句。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 questioned 的含义

问题 wèn tí

noun (query)

I have a question about the procedure.

难题,问题,争议 nán tí,wèn tí,zhēng yì

noun (matter, doubt)

There are three questions that need to be resolved.
ⓘ这句话不是该英语句子的翻译。 谁会当选下一届总统还不确定。

…的问题 de wèn tí

noun (function of, matter of)

The completion date was a question of time and money.

讯问 xùn wèn

transitive verb (interrogate)

The police questioned the suspect for five hours.

怀疑 huái yí

transitive verb (doubt)

He questioned the usefulness of the rule, but never asked anybody about it.

问句 wèn jù

noun (interrogative sentence)

Is that a statement or a question?

问题 wèn tí

noun (problem)

Should I go or not? That is the question.

议题 yì tí

noun (proposition)

The question will be the subject of a vote at the town meeting.

争论的问题 zhēng lùn de wèn tí

noun (subject of dispute)

The question of regional autonomy has never been resolved.

有争议的问题,争议 yǒu zhēng yì de wèn tí,zhēng yì

noun (law: controversy) (法律)

The question before the court today is whether habeas corpus applies here.

提问 tí wèn

intransitive verb (ask questions)

You are free to question and dispute, but nothing will change as a result.

询问 xún wèn

transitive verb (inquire)

I questioned the actor for hours about his profession.

挑战 tiǎo zhàn

transitive verb (challenge)

In some countries one can be imprisoned for questioning authority.

提问 tí wèn

verbal expression (make enquiry)

The teacher said to her students, "If you don't understand the material, please ask a question!".


verbal expression (want to know [sth])

My young daughter asks me a lot of questions.


verbal expression (invite obvious question)


verbal expression (assume truth of argument)

无可怀疑的 wú kě huái yí de

adjective (certain)

His integrity is beyond question.


noun (quiz question worth extra points)

令人对…产生怀疑 lìng rén duì chǎn shēng huái yí

verbal expression (cast doubt on [sth])

急需讨论的紧要问题 jí xū tǎo lùn de jǐn yào wèn tí

noun (urgent matter for discussion)

急待回答的问题 jí dài huí dá de wèn tí

noun (question needing an urgent answer)

I have a burning question. I need to know when you saw him last.

质疑… zhì yí

verbal expression (cast doubt on [sth])


noun (enquiry eliciting "yes" or "no")


transitive verb (law: interrogate witness)

直接问句 zhí jiē wèn jù

noun (interrogative sentence) (语法)

A question mark always comes at the end of a direct question.


noun (additional enquiry)

好问题 hǎo wèn tí

noun (pertinent or insightful enquiry)

Should you give money to beggars? That is a good question.

问得好! wèn de hǎo

interjection (expressing [sth] not yet considered) (表示由于被提问者还没想过其内容,所以该提问比较难以回答)

Do I love her enough to marry her? - good question!

作为对你的问题的回答 zuò wéi duì nǐ de wèn tí de huí dá

expression (in reply to you)

In answer to your question, no, he's not married.

在考虑中 zài kǎo lǜ zhōng

adverb (being considered or discussed)

The judge noted that the legal precedent in question was quite tenuous.

在争议中 zài zhēng yì zhōng

adverb (being disputed)

The legality of assisted suicide is in question in many countries.


noun (question that suggests answer)

开放式问题 kāi fàng shì wèn tí

noun (question: invites long answer)

When interviewing someone, it is better to ask open questions which encourage them to talk about themselves.

尚未解决的问题 shàng wèi jiě jué de wèn tí

noun (question: no decisive answer)

How the project was going to be paid for remained an open question that needed an answer before voters would approve it.


noun (question with many possible answers)

The teacher told the students to ask open-ended questions.

不可能的 bù kě néng de

adjective (not possible or permitted)

It is out of the question for a twelve year old to go to a night club!

当前正在讨论的问题 dāng qián zhèng zài tǎo lùn de wèn tí

noun (issue being discussed)

Could we please return to the point in question?

开口求婚 kāi kǒu qiú hūn

verbal expression (slang (propose marriage to [sb])

When will he ever pop the question? They've been dating for so long.

提出问题 tí chū wèn tí

verbal expression (ask [sth], make an enquiry)

One of the reporters posed a question about the Prime Minister's reaction to recent events in Spain.

质疑 zhì yí

verbal expression (raise an issue)

This defeat poses a question about the team's ability to defend.

争论中的问题 zhēng lùn zhōng de wèn tí

noun (matter being discussed)

That's good to know … but the question at issue is entirely different.

问号 wèn hào

noun (interrogative punctuation symbol)

A written sentence that is a question must end with a question mark.

质疑,疑问 zhì yí ,yí wèn

noun (figurative (element of doubt) (比喻)

There's a question mark over his ability to manage the team.

反问 fǎn wèn

noun (interrogative ending to a sentence)

答疑大会 dá yí dà huì

noun (conference)

The presentation will be followed by a question-and-answer session.

提问 tí wèn

verbal expression (ask [sth], enquire)

Mark raised a difficult question during the meeting and nobody wanted to answer it.


verbal expression (pose an issue)

The report raises the question of how to deal with the unemployed.

反问 fǎn wèn

noun (statement in form of a question)


noun (interrogative ending to a sentence)


interjection (it is indisputable)

He's an evil man; there is no question.


expression (it is indisputable that)

There is no question many citizens resent paying taxes.


noun ([sth] asked to mislead or incriminate [sb])


noun (only two possible answers)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。