英语 中的 poor family 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 poor family 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 poor family 的说明。

英语 中的poor family 表示贫穷的 pín qióng de, 差劲的 chà jìn de, 可怜的 kě lián de, 缺乏的 quē fá de, 在…方面很差劲, 穷人 qióng rén, 可怜的人,可怜虫,倒霉蛋 kě lián de rén,kě lián chóng,dǎo méi dàn, 极其贫困的 jí qí pín kùn de, 趣味低俗地 qù wèi dī sú de, 不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de, 不良表现 bù liáng biǎo xiàn, 捐款箱 juān kuǎn xiāng, 不幸的人,可怜的人 bú xìng de rén,kě lián de rén, 蹩脚的借口 bié jiǎo de jiè kǒu, 糟糕的...例子, 表现欠佳,表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā, 虚弱,身体不好 xū ruò,shēn tǐ bù hǎo, 不得体,无礼 bù dé tǐ,wú lǐ, 差的健康状况 chà de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng, 差的判断力 chà de pàn duàn lì, 贫穷的男人 pín qióng de nán rén, 不幸的男人 bú xìng de nán rén, 不良预后 bù liáng yù hòu, 质量差, 质量差的 zhì liàng chà de, 不幸的人 bú xìng de rén, 不幸的 bú xìng de, 不幸的女人, 长条三明治, 底层白种人, 白人垃圾。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 poor family 的含义

贫穷的 pín qióng de

adjective (lacking money)

Many of us come from poor families.

差劲的 chà jìn de

adjective (unsatisfactory)

The boss is unhappy with my poor performance.

可怜的 kě lián de

adjective (pitiable, unfortunate)

From poor beginnings, the politician went far in life.

缺乏的 quē fá de


This soil is poor in nutrients.



He is very poor at maths.

穷人 qióng rén

plural noun (poor people)

The poor often don't have cars.

可怜的人,可怜虫,倒霉蛋 kě lián de rén,kě lián chóng,dǎo méi dàn

noun (slang, offensive (person suffering misfortune)

I really feel sorry for that poor bastard.

极其贫困的 jí qí pín kùn de

adjective (mainly US, slang (poverty stricken) (口语)

My family was dirt poor, but we always took care of our appearances.

趣味低俗地 qù wèi dī sú de

adverb (in an offensive way)

I do think they've decorated their bedroom in poor taste.

不礼貌的 bù lǐ mào de

adjective (offensive)

John's joke about his mother-in-law was in poor taste.

不良表现 bù liáng biǎo xiàn

noun (bad conduct)

The student was sent out of the class for poor behaviour.

捐款箱 juān kuǎn xiāng

noun (receptacle for charitable donations)

People put coins into the poor box outside the church.

不幸的人,可怜的人 bú xìng de rén,kě lián de rén

noun (informal (unfortunate person) (非正式用语)

The poor creature stood in the pouring rain without a coat or umbrella.

蹩脚的借口 bié jiǎo de jiè kǒu

noun (unconvincing attempt to justify)

He gave a poor excuse for his absence. Having a cold is a very poor excuse for missing five days of work.


noun (bad example of)

表现欠佳,表现不佳 biǎo xiàn bù jiā

noun (weak performance)

虚弱,身体不好 xū ruò,shēn tǐ bù hǎo

noun (feeble or inferior condition)

She must be in really poor form today; she's limping and she looks pale.

不得体,无礼 bù dé tǐ,wú lǐ

noun (bad manners)

It's really poor form to put your feet on the coffee table.

差的健康状况 chà de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng

noun (illness)

She has been in poor health ever since she caught bird 'flu last year.

差的判断力 chà de pàn duàn lì

noun (making bad decisions)

Elizabeth Taylor had notoriously poor judgement when it came to men.

贫穷的男人 pín qióng de nán rén

noun (man who lacks money)

He was a poor man and had to ask for food at the local church in order to feed his child.

不幸的男人 bú xìng de nán rén

noun (man who is unfortunate)

That poor man has had nothing but bad luck.

不良预后 bù liáng yù hòu

noun (prediction that illness will worsen)

My uncle is in hospital with cancer. He has received a poor prognosis - they think he will die.


noun (inferior quality)

The publisher refused to publish the book because of its poor quality.

质量差的 zhì liàng chà de

noun as adjective (of inferior quality)

不幸的人 bú xìng de rén

noun ([sb] wretched)

That poor unfortunate lives under a bridge near the park.

不幸的 bú xìng de

adjective (wretched)

Those poor unfortunate children have nowhere to live.


noun (woman who is unfortunate)


noun (US, regional (submarine sandwich) (地区用语)

底层白种人, 白人垃圾

noun (US, figurative, pejorative, offensive, slang (poor white people)

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英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。