英语 中的 plains 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 plains 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 plains 的说明。

英语 中的plains 表示简单的 jiǎn dān de, 无花纹的 wú huā wén de, 直接的 zhí jiē de, 明显的 míng xiǎn de, 原料单一的,不掺杂的,纯的 yuán liào dān yī de,bù chān zá de,chún de, 一般的 yì bān de, 清淡的,不加调料的 qīng dàn de ,bù jiā tiáo liào de, 率真地, 完全地 wán quán de, 平原 píng yuán, 通用面粉, 冲积平原, 极其清楚, 单调 dān diào, 滨海平原, 漫滩 màn tān, 着便装 zhuó biàn zhuāng, 用浅显的英语 yòng qiǎn xiǎn de yīng yǔ, 用浅显易懂的语言 yòng qiǎn xiǎn yì dǒng de yǔ yán, 视野开阔地 shì yě kāi kuò de, 简单地说 jiǎn dān de shuō, 让...显而易见, 让...明显, 一清二楚 yì qīng èr chǔ, 黑巧克力 hēi qiǎo kè lì, 烘焙用巧克力,苦巧克力, 坦率直白的, 不含酸酵粉的面粉 bù hán suān jiào fěn de miàn fěn, 普通女子 pǔ tōng nǚ zǐ, 白纸, 航行顺利, 进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì, 说话直率 shuō huà zhí shuài, 说话直率的, 简约风格 jiǎn yuē fēng gé, 纯文本 chún wén běn, 简洁的语言 jiǎn jié de yǔ yán, 相貌平平的, 便衣的,着便装的, 便衣警察, 坦白说的。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 plains 的含义

简单的 jiǎn dān de

adjective (unadorned)

The dress was plain, with no frills.

无花纹的 wú huā wén de

adjective (without a pattern)

Which shirt do you prefer - the plain or the patterned?

直接的 zhí jiē de

adjective (straightforward)

It is always best to tell the plain truth.

明显的 míng xiǎn de

adjective (obvious)

The hole in the knee of my trousers was plain to see.

原料单一的,不掺杂的,纯的 yuán liào dān yī de,bù chān zá de,chún de

adjective (unmixed) (食物)

A plain apple pie is one with nothing but apples in it.

一般的 yì bān de

adjective (unattractive)

She has a plain face, she's no beauty.

清淡的,不加调料的 qīng dàn de ,bù jiā tiáo liào de

adjective (unseasoned) (食物)

I like my food plain--no salt, pepper or spices.


adverb (US (unaffected)

He spoke plain, as he was a simple, honest man.

完全地 wán quán de

adverb (informal (clearly)

It's just plain silly to try to settle a problem by fighting.

平原 píng yuán

noun (flat land)

The grassy plain stretched for miles in all directions.


noun (wheat flour)

All-purpose flour is great for cookies, but doesn't have enough gluten for bread.


noun (geology: flat sediment) (地质学)


expression (UK, informal (very obvious)

单调 dān diào

expression (UK, informal (not attractive)


noun (geology) (地理)

漫滩 màn tān

noun (area near river prone to flooding)

着便装 zhuó biàn zhuāng

expression (not wearing a uniform)

The policemen were in plain clothes so the criminals didn't recognise them.

用浅显的英语 yòng qiǎn xiǎn de yīng yǔ

adverb (in clear and simple language)

I wish politicians would talk in plain English!

用浅显易懂的语言 yòng qiǎn xiǎn yì dǒng de yǔ yán

expression (in clear and simple language)

The man spoke in plain terms so the commoners could understand.

视野开阔地 shì yě kāi kuò de

expression (overtly, in the open)

The deer stood in plain view in the field in front of us.

简单地说 jiǎn dān de shuō

expression (expressed simply)

You need to write the instructions in plain words so people can understand them. The new Prime Minister expressed his political views in plain words.


verbal expression (with object: make obvious)


verbal expression (with clause: make obvious) (接从句)

一清二楚 yì qīng èr chǔ

adjective (informal (obvious)

After that fall, the bumps on his head were plain as day.

黑巧克力 hēi qiǎo kè lì

noun (dark eating chocolate)

Plain chocolate is supposed to be better for you than milk chocolate.


noun (cooking chocolate)

It's best to use plain chocolate when you're making chocolate mousse.


adjective (open, straightforward)

A plain-dealing merchant is good to find.

不含酸酵粉的面粉 bù hán suān jiào fěn de miàn fěn

noun (ground wheat with no raising agent)

普通女子 pǔ tōng nǚ zǐ

noun (informal (girl: unattractive)

We were all surprised when Ana said she had landed a contract as a model, as she was always such a plain Jane.


noun (paper without lines)


noun (on waters without obstruction)

进展顺利 jìn zhǎn shùn lì

noun (figurative (easy course)

说话直率 shuō huà zhí shuài

noun (expressing oneself directly)

President Harry Truman was known for his down-to-earth mannerisms and plain speaking.


adjective (who says things directly)

She is plain speaking to the point of rudeness.

简约风格 jiǎn yuē fēng gé

noun (clear, simple use of language)

纯文本 chún wén běn

noun (computing: uncoded text)

Use the button on the right to switch between plain text and the WYSIWYG editor.

简洁的语言 jiǎn jié de yǔ yán

plural noun (clear, simple language)


adjective (unattractive)


adjective (police officer: not uniformed) (指警察)


noun (police officer: civilian clothing)


adjective (frank, direct)

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plains 的相关词

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。