英语 中的 human dignity 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 human dignity 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 human dignity 的说明。

英语 中的human dignity 表示人 rén, 人的 rén de, 人类特质的 rén lèi tè zhì de, 有人情味的 yǒu rén qíng wèi de, 卫生与公众服务部, 工效学, 人类同胞, 人类免疫缺损病毒 rén lèi miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú, 人 rén, 人类 rén lèi, 人体 rén tǐ, 人的生活, 人为错误 rén wéi cuò wù, 人体体形 rén tǐ tǐ xíng, 人类外形 rén lèi wài xíng, 人性弱点 rén xìng ruò diǎn, 人类基因组 rén lèi jī yīn zǔ, 人文地理学 rén wén dì lǐ xué, 充满人情味的新闻报道, 人性 rén xìng, 人乳头状瘤病毒, 人类 rén lèi, 人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù, 人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù, 人权 rén quán, 人祭 rén jì, 人祭 rén jì, 人类 rén lèi, 人类精神, 非人类的 fēi rén lèi de, 非凡的体力,超常的体能, 人非圣贤孰能无过, 不宜食用的 bù yí shí yòng de。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 human dignity 的含义

人 rén

noun (human being: person)

Humans have populated the earth for thousands of years.

人的 rén de

adjective (belonging to the human race)

Yes, this is a human leg bone.

人类特质的 rén lèi tè zhì de

adjective (characteristic of humans)

The cat has a human curiosity.

有人情味的 yǒu rén qíng wèi de

adjective (generous, humane)

It was human of him to help the poor people.


noun (HHS: US government agency) (HHS: 美国政府机构)


noun (workspace design)

My psychology professor is an expert in ergonomics.


noun ([sb] else who is experiencing life)

人类免疫缺损病毒 rén lèi miǎn yì quē sǔn bìng dú

noun (initialism (AIDS virus)

The hospital has reported several new cases of HIV this month.

人 rén

noun (person: distinct from animals)

The kind way she treats people makes her a real human being.

人类 rén lèi

noun (homo sapiens)

The earliest human beings lived in Africa.

人体 rén tǐ

noun (physical anatomy of a person)

The human body has evolved over time to adapt to new living conditions.


noun (mortality)

Life and death are the opposite ends of the human condition.

人为错误 rén wéi cuò wù

noun ([sb]'s mistake)

One must consider human error when evaluating accuracy of the data.

人体体形 rén tǐ tǐ xíng

noun (human body, figure)

Many aspects of the human form clearly show the close relationship of our species with the great apes.

人类外形 rén lèi wài xíng

noun (shape of a human being)

The door opened and a human form stood silhouetted against the light. In works of science fiction, it is not unusual for aliens to assume a human form.

人性弱点 rén xìng ruò diǎn

noun (fallible nature of human beings)

人类基因组 rén lèi jī yīn zǔ

noun (genetic code of human beings)

The mapping of the human genome is a stunning scientific achievement.

人文地理学 rén wén dì lǐ xué

noun (people and places)

At college, I preferred to study human geography rather than physical geography.


noun (news item about people's lives)

It's a human interest story about a boy who successfully battled against cancer.

人性 rén xìng

noun (innate psychological characteristics of humans)

The greedy man stole from his neighbors, but isn't that just human nature?



人类 rén lèi

noun (humanity, humans as a species)

The human race had better learn to look after this planet - it's the only one we've got!

人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù

noun (HR: personnel recruitment department)

Someone from human resources gave me some forms to complete.

人力资源部 rén lì zī yuán bù

noun (hiring department)

人权 rén quán

plural noun (basic civil freedoms)

Amnesty International is a worldwide organization which campaigns for human rights.

人祭 rén jì

noun (religion: killing [sb] for a god)

The Aztecs practiced human sacrifice.

人祭 rén jì

noun (religion: [sb] killed for a god)

Archaeologists have discovered the skulls of 80 women who were used as human sacrifices.

人类 rén lèi

noun (humanity, homo sapiens) (物种)


noun (will or inner strength)

非人类的 fēi rén lèi de

adjective (not belonging to homo sapiens)


noun (extraordinary physical power)


expression (proverb (it's natural to make mistakes)

不宜食用的 bù yí shí yòng de

adjective (not safe to eat)

The 60-year-old chocolate was unfit for human consumption.

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。