英语 中的 help my 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 help my 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 help my 的说明。

英语 中的help my 表示帮助 bāng zhù, 帮助某人某事, 帮助某人做某事, 救援 jiù yuán, 改善 gǎi shàn, 减轻 jiǎn qīng, 使改善 shǐ gǎi shàn, 对…有用 duì … yǒu yòng, 帮助 bāng zhù, 提供某事的帮助, 救命 jiù mìng, 帮助 bāng zhù, 帮助 bāng zhù, 助手 zhù shǒu, 雇员 gù yuán, 缓解 huǎn jiě, 佣人 yōng rén, 佣人,仆人 yōng rén,pú rén, 避免 bì miǎn, 提供支持, 有助于发展 yǒu zhù yú fā zhǎn, 帮助,帮忙 bāng zhù,bāng máng, 帮助…(渡过难关) bāng zhù dù guò nán guān, 有什么可以帮您的吗?, 不禁…, 情不自禁 qíng bú zì jīn, 不得不 bù dé bù, 呼救, 引人注意 yǐn rén zhù yì, 给某人帮忙 gěi mǒu rén bāng máng, 上帝救救我!, 有助于作出…决定 yǒu zhù yú zuò chū jué dìng, 帮帮我 bāng bāng wǒ, 互相帮助 hù xiāng bāng zhù, 把某人扶起来, 帮助某人往上攀爬, 自己拿, 自己拿…, 自己拿, 请自便 qǐng zì biàn, 客户服务中心,帮助台 kè hù fú wù zhōng xīn,bāng zhù tāi, 咨询台 zī xún tái, 服务热线, 家政工, 我能为您做什么吗?,您需要什么?, 有些用处, 发无线电信号(求救), 自助,自力更生 zì zhù,zì lì gēng shēng, 自助, 自力更生, 自助的,关于如何自力更生的 zì zhù de, 自力救助, 自助行为, 自助书籍, 没有办法, 向某人寻求帮助, 在…的帮助之下 zài de bāng zhù zhī xià。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 help my 的含义

帮助 bāng zhù

transitive verb (assist)

I could do the housework much more quickly if you helped me.


(assist with)

Can you help me with my homework?


verbal expression (assist in doing)

Paul helped me start my car. I helped an elderly lady to cross the road.

救援 jiù yuán

transitive verb (save, rescue)

Help him! He's having a heart attack!

改善 gǎi shàn

transitive verb (improve)

Just ten minutes of study a day could really help your French.

减轻 jiǎn qīng

transitive verb (relieve)

This syrup might help your sore throat.

使改善 shǐ gǎi shàn

transitive verb (facilitate)

Fibre helps digestion.

对…有用 duì … yǒu yòng

transitive verb (be useful to)

A little bit of salt would help his cooking. You could help me by holding up the other end of the table.

帮助 bāng zhù

intransitive verb (give aid)

We ask all those who can to help.


(give assistance with)

We are looking for volunteers to help with sports coaching.

救命 jiù mìng

interjection (call for assistance)

Help! I can't move!

帮助 bāng zhù

noun (assistance)

Louise was in need of some help.

帮助 bāng zhù

noun (aid)

Dictionaries can be of some help when writing essays.

助手 zhù shǒu

noun (informal ([sb] who helps)

She was a great help.

雇员 gù yuán

noun (uncountable (employees, assistants)

We have too much work on. We'll have to hire some help.

缓解 huǎn jiě

noun (relief)

A hot bath will be a great help to your sore back.

佣人 yōng rén

noun (employee, assistant)

The hired help isn't very good. He broke three of my best plates while he was washing up.

佣人,仆人 yōng rén,pú rén

plural noun (dated (people employed in [sb]'s home)

Don't worry about clearing the plates away; I'll get the help to do it.

避免 bì miǎn

transitive verb (informal (avoid, prevent)

I can't help thinking she was right all along.


transitive verb (provide with support)

She really helped me when I was at my lowest point.

有助于发展 yǒu zhù yú fā zhǎn

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (give assistance to)

帮助,帮忙 bāng zhù,bāng máng

phrasal verb, intransitive (give assistance)

He said he'd help out with moving the furniture, but in the end he never turned up.

帮助…(渡过难关) bāng zhù dù guò nán guān

phrasal verb, transitive, separable (give assistance to)

I'd like to help you out, but I'm short of money myself at the moment.


expression (to a customer)

Can I help you? asked the sales clerk.


verbal expression (feel compelled to do [sth])

I can't help wondering if she really knows what she's doing.

情不自禁 qíng bú zì jīn

verbal expression (informal (be compelled to do [sth])

She can't help herself - she has to criticize everything I do.

不得不 bù dé bù

verbal expression (find unavoidable)

I cannot help but notice the enormous coffee stain on the front of your white blouse.


noun (often plural (call for assistance)

引人注意 yǐn rén zhù yì

noun (figurative (attention-seeking act)

给某人帮忙 gěi mǒu rén bāng máng



interjection (expressing exasperation)

有助于作出…决定 yǒu zhù yú zuò chū jué dìng

verbal expression (assist in deciding)

To help you decide between the options, list the pros and cons of each.

帮帮我 bāng bāng wǒ

interjection (expressing need for assistance)

Help me! That man just stole my purse!

互相帮助 hù xiāng bāng zhù

verbal expression (assist each other)

The students formed study groups, to help one another prepare for the exams.


(assist in standing up)

I was so weak that the nurse had to help me up.


(assist in climbing)

The steps of the tower were steep, so we had to help the kids up, but the climb was worth the view from the top.


transitive verb and reflexive pronoun (take [sth] offered)

I've prepared some printed handouts. Feel free to help yourselves.


verbal expression (serve yourself)

Help yourself to more cake.


verbal expression (take without asking)

She helped herself to the office stationery.

请自便 qǐng zì biàn

interjection (take what you wish)

There's plenty to eat and drink, folks – just help yourselves.

客户服务中心,帮助台 kè hù fú wù zhōng xīn,bāng zhù tāi

noun (technical support centre) (技术支持中心)

Surely someone at the helpdesk can fix your computer problem.

咨询台 zī xún tái

noun (information point)

Our company doesn't have a helpdesk; if you have a problem, ask your supervisor.


noun (phone service offering support)

If you are unsatisfied with this product, please call our helpline, open 24 hours a day.


noun (domestic assistant)


expression (what do you need?)

Store clerks often ask customers, "How can I help you?"


(somewhat useful)

I hope this information will be of some help.


intransitive verb (call for help)

One of the climbers had fallen and broken his leg, so their guide radioed for help.

自助,自力更生 zì zhù,zì lì gēng shēng

noun (personal development techniques)

Our individualistic society is obsessed with self help,.

自助, 自力更生

noun (acting with no assistance)

When others are not willing to help you, you have to rely on self-help.

自助的,关于如何自力更生的 zì zhù de

adjective (relating to personal development)

A lot of people rely on self-help books, rather than seeing a psychologist.

自力救助, 自助行为

noun (law: remedying wrong yourself)


noun (personal development resource)


expression (there is no remedy)

There's no help for it. We'll have to sell the house.


verbal expression (ask [sb] for assistance)

在…的帮助之下 zài de bāng zhù zhī xià

preposition (assisted by)

With the help of a wheelchair, I can get around just fine.

让我们学习 英语

现在您对 英语 中的 help my 的含义有了更多的了解,您可以通过选定的示例了解如何使用它们以及如何阅读它们。并记住学习我们建议的相关单词。我们的网站会不断更新新单词和新示例,因此您可以在 英语 中查找您不知道的其他单词的含义。

你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。