英语 中的 days of the week 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 days of the week 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 days of the week 的说明。

英语 中的days of the week 表示一天,一昼夜 yì tiān,yí zhòu yè, 白天,白昼,日间 bái tiān,bái zhòu,rì jiān, 一星期中的一天 yì xīng qī zhōng de yì tiān, 工作日 gōng zuò rì, 阳光 yáng guāng, 时代 shí dài, 日子 rì zi, …的余生, 在白天, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò, 万圣节 wàn shèng jié, 万灵节 wàn líng jié, 整天的 zhěng tiān de, 任何一天 rèn hé yì tiān, 任何时候 rèn hé shí hòu, 随时 suí shí, 澳新兵团日, 愚人节 yú rén jié, 停战纪念日 tíng zhàn jì niàn rì, 耶稣升天日 yē sū shēng tiān rì, 傍晚时刻,一天结束的时候 bàng wǎn shí kè,yì tiān jié shù de shí hòu, 最终,最后 zuì zhōng,zuì hòu, 过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián, 不愉快的一天, 不如意的一天, 法国国庆日,巴士底狱纪念日 fǎ guó guó qìng rì,bā shì dǐ yù jì niàn rì, 美好的一天, 重要日子, 节礼日 jié lǐ rì, 破晓 pò xiǎo, 营业日 yíng yè rì, 日历日 rì lì rì, 就此结束,收工,就干到这里 jiù cǐ jié shù,shōu gōng,jiù gàn dào zhè lǐ, 加拿大国庆日, 取胜, 托儿所 tuō ér suǒ, 圣诞节 shèng dàn jié, 一清二楚的 yì qīng èr chǔ de, 清清楚楚的,一看就懂的 qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de,yí kàn jiù dǒng de, 黄昏时分 huáng hūn shí fēn, 当天结束时的, 死亡 sǐ wáng, 哥伦布日, 盟国在西欧登陆日, 重要的一天, 日复一日 rì fù yí rì, 日以继夜的 rì yǐ jì yè de, 一天的旅行, 前一天 qián yì tiān, 日记帐, 日复一日地 rì fù yí rì de, 日间夏令营, (托儿所)日托 tuō ér suǒ rì tuō, 日间看护, 每天地,日复一日地 měi tiān de,rì fù yí rì de, 日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò, 零工,杂工 líng gōng,zá gōng, 按日计酬的零工 àn rì jì chóu de líng gōng, 审判日, 清算的日子 qīng suàn de rì zi, 安息日 ān xī rì, 休息日 xiū xī rì, 墨西哥鬼节 mò xī gē guǐ jié, 休息日 xiū xī rì, 日班 rì bān, 日班工人 rì bān gōng rén, 日复一日 rì fù yí rì, 日常的 rì cháng de, 一日游 yí rì yóu, 一日游 yí rì yóu, 去...一日游, 从...开始一日游, 昨天做的, 当天结束行程的旅客, 一天完成的工作 yì tiān wán chéng de gōng zuò, 坐卧两用沙发 zuò wò liǎng yòng shā fā, 走读男生, 日托中心 rì tuō zhōng xīn, 日间护理中心, 走读女生, 休息室 xiū xī shì, 日间休息室, 今日特色菜, 白天 bái tiān, 假日 jià rì, 世界地球日 shì jiè dì qiú rì, 大选日,(总统)选举日 dà xuǎn rì ,zǒng tǒng xuǎn jǔ rì, 一整天 yì zhěng tiān, 每日 měi rì, 每个人都有出头之日, 每隔一天 měi gé yì tiān, 父亲节 fù qīn jié, 瞻礼日, 运动日, 大日子, 将来手头紧的时候, 永远地 yǒng yuǎn de, 一天又一天 yì tiān yòu yì tiān, 你好 nǐ hǎo, 愉快的一天, 日安 rì ān, 日安 rì ān, 土拨鼠节 tǔ bō shǔ jié, 篝火节之夜, 半天, 半天, 半工作日。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 days of the week 的含义

一天,一昼夜 yì tiān,yí zhòu yè

noun (period of 24 hours) (24小时)

It took three days for the letter to get here.

白天,白昼,日间 bái tiān,bái zhòu,rì jiān

noun (time from sunup to sunset) (从日出到日落)

They spent all day painting the house.

一星期中的一天 yì xīng qī zhōng de yì tiān

noun (of the week: Monday, Friday) (如星期一、星期五)

What day did I go to the bank? Tuesday?

工作日 gōng zuò rì

noun (work day)

He works a very short day.

阳光 yáng guāng

noun (daylight)

Open the curtains and let the day in.

时代 shí dài

noun (past era)

In Caesar's day people used to wear togas.

日子 rì zi

plural noun (period of time)

In the days before homes had electric lighting, people had to read by candlelight in the evenings.


plural noun (remaining lifetime)

When I retire, I would like to live out my days in a cottage near the sea.


adverb (informal (regularly during the day)

I work days, but I could meet you in the evening.

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

adverb (throughout the whole day)

She's been practising all day.

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

adverb (throughout the whole day)

I could water the flowers all day long. I sat in the sun all day long and read my book.

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò

expression (informal, figurative (routine activity)

There's no need to thank me - it's all in a day's work for me.

万圣节 wàn shèng jié

noun (Christian calendar: 1st November) (每年十一月一日举行的为纪念各圣人的基督教节日)

All Saints' Day is the day after Halloween.

万灵节 wàn líng jié

noun (November 2 holiday) (每年十一月二日为死者灵魂祈祷的节日)

整天的 zhěng tiān de

adjective (lasting or available the whole day)

This café serves a delicious all-day breakfast.

任何一天 rèn hé yì tiān

adverb (informal (some time soon)

I ordered it weeks ago. It should arrive any day.

任何时候 rèn hé shí hòu

adverb (informal (willingly, without hesitation)

I'd do that for you any day.

随时 suí shí

adverb (informal (some time soon)

I'm expecting the book I ordered to come any day now.


noun (Australian and New Zealand memorial day)

愚人节 yú rén jié

noun (1st April)

On April Fools' Day, it's traditional to play practical jokes on people before midday.

停战纪念日 tíng zhàn jì niàn rì

noun (11th November: war remembrance day) (每年十一月十一日)

On Armistice Day, many countries take a two-minute moment of silence as a sign of respect for those who died. On Armistice Day the mayor laid flowers at the town war memorial.

耶稣升天日 yē sū shēng tiān rì

noun (Christian feast day: Holy Thursday) (基督教)

There will be a special evening service on Ascension Day.

傍晚时刻,一天结束的时候 bàng wǎn shí kè,yì tiān jié shù de shí hòu

expression (in the evening)

He went home at the end of the day.

最终,最后 zuì zhōng,zuì hòu

expression (figurative (ultimately)

At the end of the day, there's nothing we can do.

过去,以前 guò qù,yǐ qián

expression (introduces reminiscence)


noun (figurative (unpleasant day)


noun (figurative, slang (day when everything goes wrong)

法国国庆日,巴士底狱纪念日 fǎ guó guó qìng rì,bā shì dǐ yù jì niàn rì

noun (14th July: French national day) (每年七月十四日)


noun (day of sunny weather)

What a beautiful day! It's finally spring, warm and sunny, and the flowers are blooming.


noun (day of an important occasion)

节礼日 jié lǐ rì

noun (UK (26th December) (每年十二月二十六日)

Nowadays, many people go to the sales on Boxing Day.

破晓 pò xiǎo

noun (dawn, sunrise, early morning)

The hunt assembles and is ready to ride at the break of day.

营业日 yíng yè rì

noun (day of trading)

Your phone call will be returned within one business day.

日历日 rì lì rì

noun (date)

The package will be delivered in five to eight business days, not calendar days.

就此结束,收工,就干到这里 jiù cǐ jié shù,shōu gōng,jiù gàn dào zhè lǐ

verbal expression (informal (stop doing [sth]) (非正式用语)

I've been working for hours, I'm going to call it a day.


noun (Can (Canadian national day: 1st July)

Canada Day commemorates the confederation of Canada on July 1, 1867.


verbal expression (win, triumph)

We hope that our team will carry the day.

托儿所 tuō ér suǒ

noun (day nursery)

Many companies have an on-site child care center for their employees' children.

圣诞节 shèng dàn jié

noun (Christian festival: 25th December)

Children can't wait to get out of bed on Christmas Day.

一清二楚的 yì qīng èr chǔ de

adjective (visible, easy to see)

Despite the police spokesman's denial, the onlooker's video showed the policeman's unprovoked aggression, as clear as day.

清清楚楚的,一看就懂的 qīng qīng chǔ chǔ de,yí kàn jiù dǒng de

adjective (figurative (obvious, easy to understand)

It was clear as day to me that the Prime Minister had no intention of honouring his promises.

黄昏时分 huáng hūn shí fēn

noun (end of the day, evening)


adjective (at end of the day)

Close-of-day equity prices for domestic and foreign stock exchanges are available from many on-line sources.

死亡 sǐ wáng

noun (euphemism (death) (委婉语)

In his famous poem, Dylan Thomas urges that approaching death is to be resisted, that "old age should burn and rave at close of day".


noun (holiday in honor of Christopher Columbus)


noun (historical (WWII invasion day) (二战)


noun (figurative (date when [sth] important begins)

日复一日 rì fù yí rì

adverb (every day)

I'm sick of doing the same thing day after day.

日以继夜的 rì yǐ jì yè de

adverb (all the time)

Edgar's been working day and night to get the house ready in time.


noun (one-day trip, outing)

We had a lovely day out at the seaside.

前一天 qián yì tiān

noun (previous day)


noun (diary, daily log book)

I would be completely lost without my day book, my whole life is in there.

日复一日地 rì fù yí rì de

adverb (gradually)

His pain decreased day by day as his injuries gradually healed.


noun (organized activity session)

(托儿所)日托 tuō ér suǒ rì tuō

noun (US (childcare, nursery)

My 2-year old goes to day care every weekday morning.


noun (esp US (care for elderly, disabled)

I take my Dad to seniors' daycare every day so that I have time to run errands.

每天地,日复一日地 měi tiān de,rì fù yí rì de

adverb (informal (every day) (非正式用语)

It's so boring, doing the same thing day in, day out.

日常工作 rì cháng gōng zuò

noun (regular job)

零工,杂工 líng gōng,zá gōng

noun (US (work: paid by the day)

Day labor is a growing part of the informal economy in the United States.

按日计酬的零工 àn rì jì chóu de líng gōng

noun (worker hired by the day)

Sadly, day laborers usually lack benefits or job security.


noun (religious: judgment day) (宗教)

On the day of reckoning, Jesus Christ is coming to judge whatever we might have done.

清算的日子 qīng suàn de rì zi

noun (day to deal with [sth] unpleasant)

On the day of reckoning, it will be interesting to see how the team performs against the league leaders.

安息日 ān xī rì

noun (religious: Sabbath) (宗教)

Sabbath is for Jews a day of rest.

休息日 xiū xī rì

noun (day free of work)

Today he had a day of rest from work.

墨西哥鬼节 mò xī gē guǐ jié

noun (celebration: All Souls)

休息日 xiū xī rì

noun (day of holiday from work)

No, I can't come into the office today, it's my day off!

日班 rì bān

noun (daytime work period)

The day shift starts at 5.30 a.m.

日班工人 rì bān gōng rén

noun (one or more daytime workers)

Don't worry about cleaning that up: the day shift will do it in the morning.

日复一日 rì fù yí rì

adverb (on a daily basis)

日常的 rì cháng de

adjective (everyday, daily)

一日游 yí rì yóu

noun (outing made in a day)

If you live in New Jersey it's easy to take a day trip to New York City.

一日游 yí rì yóu

intransitive verb (US (make a day trip)


(US (make a day trip to a place)


(US (make a day trip from a place)

We met a couple in Oxford who were day-tripping from London.


adjective (made yesterday)


noun ([sb] who takes a trip in under a day)

一天完成的工作 yì tiān wán chéng de gōng zuò

noun (work done in one day)

It will take one more day's work to finish the job.

坐卧两用沙发 zuò wò liǎng yòng shā fā

noun (furniture: sofa bed)


noun (young male at boarding school in day) (寄宿学校)

日托中心 rì tuō zhōng xīn

noun (children's nursery) (小孩)


noun (care facility for adults) (成人)


noun (young female at boarding school in day) (寄宿学校)

休息室 xiū xī shì

noun (room for leisure activities)


noun (hospital: patient recreation room) (医院)


noun (restaurant's daily special)

The dish of the day at Williamson's is roast duck with your choice of vegetables.

白天 bái tiān

adverb (in the daytime, in daylight hours)

Nocturnal animals, like owls, sleep during the day and hunt during the night.

假日 jià rì

noun (informal (day off work)

I was feeling stressed and tired, so my boss agreed that I could take a duvet day.

世界地球日 shì jiè dì qiú rì

noun (environmental awareness day)

The first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970 and is now celebrated around the world.

大选日,(总统)选举日 dà xuǎn rì ,zǒng tǒng xuǎn jǔ rì

noun (date when votes are cast) (首字母大写)

On election day, polling stations are open from 7am until10pm.

一整天 yì zhěng tiān

noun (whole duration of day)

每日 měi rì

adverb (on a daily basis)

I have a shower every day.


expression (figurative (everyone will succeed)

每隔一天 měi gé yì tiān

adverb (on alternate days)

The medication should be taken every other day.

父亲节 fù qīn jié

noun (annual celebration day for fathers)

This year, Father's Day falls on Sunday 21st June. I always make sure to call my dad on Father's Day.


noun (date of religious celebration) (进行宗教庆典的日子)


noun (school's outdoor sports event) (学校)


noun (figurative, informal (great opportunity to enjoy yourself)

The revelation about the Prime Minister's love life was a field day for the tabloids.


expression (figurative (in case of future need)

I put the extra money in my emergency fund for a rainy day. It's important to put some money aside for a rainy day.

永远地 yǒng yuǎn de

adverb (poetic (for all eternity)

I shall love thee forever and a day!

一天又一天 yì tiān yòu yì tiān

adverb (between one day and the next)

The weather's very unpredictable here: it changes dramatically from day to day.

你好 nǐ hǎo

interjection (Aus/NZ, informal (greeting: good day)


noun (day spent well)

William had a good day at the races, winning a considerable amount of money.

日安 rì ān

interjection (formal (salutation)

Samuel wished us "Good day!" as he passed by.

日安 rì ān

interjection (formal (salutation)

"Good day to you!" shouted Jenkins from across the street.

土拨鼠节 tǔ bō shǔ jié

noun (US (2nd February) (美国英语)

If the groundhog sees his shadow on Groundhog Day (February 2), he will burrow back into his hole for 6 more weeks of winter.


noun (UK (5th November celebration) (英国11月5日节日)


noun (half the day)

Janice is only working half days at the moment.


noun as adjective (lasting half the day)

Jim decided to take a half-day holiday to go fishing in the afternoon.


noun (day when only half is worked)

When I was a child, Wednesdays were half-days for the post office and a lot of the shops.

让我们学习 英语

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。