英语 中的 country code 是什么意思?

英语 中的单词 country code 是什么意思?文章解释了完整的含义、发音以及双语示例以及如何在 英语 中使用 country code 的说明。

英语 中的country code 表示国 guó, 乡村 xiāng cūn, 祖国 zǔ guó, 地区,领土 dì qū ,lǐng tǔ, 全体人民 quán tǐ rén mín, 农村的 nóng cūn de, 边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū, 偏远地区的, 巴斯克自治区, 巴斯克地区, 英联邦国家, 乡巴佬,土包子 xiāng bā lǎo,tǔ bāo zi, 乡村俱乐部 xiāng cūn jù lè bù, 乡村集市 xiāng cūn jí shì, 乡间宅第 xiāng jiān zhái dì, 乡村生活, (尤指美国南部的)乡村音乐 yóu zhǐ měi guó nán bù de xiāng cūn yīn yuè, 原籍国, 原产国, 乡村歌手, 乡村音乐的, 生在乡下的,生于乡村的, 在乡下出生长大的, 乡村居民, 乡下人 xiāng xià rén, 村姑 cūn gū, 越野赛, 穿越全国, 穿越的, 越野的, 越野的, 横越全国的 héng yuè quán guó de, 越野地 yuè yě de, 越野赛, 越野滑雪, 发展中国家 fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā, 为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū, 为祖国而战, 丘陵地 qiū líng dì, 东道主 dōng dào zhǔ, , 签发国家, 这是一个自由的国家 zhè shì yí gè zì yóu de guó jiā, 离开本国 lí kāi běn guó, 成员国, 祖国 zǔ guó, 第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā, 葡萄酒乡,葡萄酒产区。要了解更多信息,请参阅下面的详细信息。


单词 country code 的含义

国 guó

noun (political geographic area)

The leaders of this country work very hard.

乡村 xiāng cūn

noun (rural area)

Our family moved from the country to the city.

祖国 zǔ guó

noun (homeland)

I am proud of my country.

地区,领土 dì qū ,lǐng tǔ

noun (distinctive land)

This is beautiful country.

全体人民 quán tǐ rén mín

noun (people of a state)

Half of the country supports the party.

农村的 nóng cūn de

noun as adjective (rural)

We're getting used to country life after moving to the village.

边远地区 biān yuǎn dì qū

noun (remote or undeveloped area)


noun as adjective (relating to a remote area)


noun (autonomous region) (西班牙)


noun (region between France and Spain) (地跨西班牙和法国)


noun (nation in British Commonwealth)

乡巴佬,土包子 xiāng bā lǎo,tǔ bāo zi

noun (informal, pejorative (person: rustic) (俚语,轻蔑语乡下人)

She's a real country bumpkin: she's never even lived in a small town.

乡村俱乐部 xiāng cūn jù lè bù

noun (suburban social club)

Colin applied to become a member of the country club.

乡村集市 xiāng cūn jí shì

noun (outdoor event, festival)

Every year the village holds a country fair with market stalls and games.

乡间宅第 xiāng jiān zhái dì

noun (mansion)


noun (rural lifestyle)

(尤指美国南部的)乡村音乐 yóu zhǐ měi guó nán bù de xiāng cūn yīn yuè

noun (pop music style of western US)

Garth Brooks dominated country music in the 1990's.


noun (nation of one's birth)

The form had a space labelled "Country of origin".


noun (goods: nation that produced [sth])

Fresh fruit usually has a label showing its country of origin.


noun (sings country music)

She moved to Nashville to fulfill her dreams of becoming a country singer.


adjective (of country music style)

Dolly Parton is a famous country-and-western singer.


adjective (born in countryside)


adjective (born and raised in rural area)


noun ([sb] who lives in a non-urban area)

For country-dwellers, a car is a necessity since public transport is infrequent and often unreliable.

乡下人 xiāng xià rén

noun (male who lives in countryside)

Charles is a countryman who doesn't understand the ways of the big city.

村姑 cūn gū

noun (female who lives in countryside)


noun (foot race: across fields)

I'm good at athletics but don't have the stamina for cross country.


adverb (across a country)

We took a trip cross country from New York to California.

穿越的, 越野的

adjective (race: across countryside) (比赛)

Cross-country races were dropped from the Olympics in 1924.


adjective (skiing: across fields)

The snow-covered fields were perfect for cross-country skiing.

横越全国的 héng yuè quán guó de

adjective (journey: across a country)

He set off on his cross-country adventure from Washington to Los Angeles.

越野地 yuè yě de

adverb (across countryside)

We skied cross-country, following the river.


noun (foot race: across fields)


noun (skiing across snowy fields)

Cross-country skiing is very different from downhill skiing.

发展中国家 fā zhǎn zhōng guó jiā

noun (often plural (poor nation)

为国捐躯 wèi guó juān qū

verbal expression (soldier: be killed)

My great-grandfather died for his country in 1915.


verbal expression (soldier: go to war)

丘陵地 qiū líng dì

noun (hilly area)

We kept sheep in the hill country, and dairy cows on the land beside the river.

东道主 dōng dào zhǔ

noun (nation staging an international event)

South Africa is the host country to the World Cup this year.

noun (nation accepting immigrants)


noun (nation granting a passport or visa)

这是一个自由的国家 zhè shì yí gè zì yóu de guó jiā

expression (informal (can do what we want) (非正式用语)

I can eat with my fingers if I want to; it's a free country!

离开本国 lí kāi běn guó

verbal expression (go abroad, go overseas)

I left the country five years ago when I moved to Spain.


noun (country participating in a group)

The European Parliament represents people living in the member countries of the European Union.

祖国 zǔ guó

noun (country of birth, native land)

A patriot is willing to sacrifice for the mother country.

第三世界国家 dì sān shì jiè guó jiā

noun (nation: poor, developing)


noun (region where wine is produced)

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你知道 英语

英语来自迁移到英格兰的日耳曼部落,经过 1400 多年的演变。 英语是世界上第三大语言,仅次于汉语和西班牙语。 它是学得最多的第二语言,也是近60个主权国家的官方语言。 与母语人士相比,这种语言有更多的第二语言和外语使用者。 英语也是联合国、欧盟和许多其他国际和区域组织的共同官方语言。 如今,世界各地的英语使用者都可以相对轻松地进行交流。