What does komma åt in Swedish mean?

What is the meaning of the word komma åt in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use komma åt in Swedish.

The word komma åt in Swedish means come, comma, komma, komma, ejakulera, komma, dyka upp, dyka upp, komma, komma, få orgasm, komma, få orgasm, nå klimax, komma, komma, nå, närvara, spruta, komma, komma, komma, decimalkomma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, ska, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, komma, inställa sig, ha sitt ursprung, ha sin början, komma, härstamma, inställa sig, anlända, ska, hämta, hälsa på, komma ut, sluta, hinna med, bli antagen, komma med på, komma ihåg. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word komma åt




(punctuation mark: ,) (skiljetecken: ,)

I think your sentence needs a comma after the first clause.


(move toward)

Kom här och läs detta.
Come here and read this.


(discharge semen) (formell)

The male fish ejaculates onto the eggs that a female has laid.


(vulgar, slang (ejaculate) (sex: få orgasm)

The man exclaimed that he was going to cum.

dyka upp

(informal (arrive, be present)

We were supposed to meet for tea at 5 o'clock, but she didn't show up.

dyka upp

(be present, attend sth)

Not many people turned out to vote on election day.



Vilken tid kommer de?
What time are they coming?


(time: come)

Tiden har kommit för dig att gifta dig.
The time has arrived for you two to get married.

få orgasm

(reach sexual climax)

The couple orgasmed at the same moment.


(approach in time)

Vintern kommer.
Winter is coming.

få orgasm, nå klimax

(reach orgasm)

Men often climax more easily and readily than women.


(finish race: in nth place)

Jag bryr mig inte om jag vinner loppet, jag vill bara inte komma sist.
I don't care if I win the race, I just don't want to come in last.


(vulgar, slang (have an orgasm) (sex)

It takes me a long time to get off when we have sex in the missionary position.


Busslinjen kommer inte hit ut.
The bus line doesn't come this far.


(be present)

Hur många tror du kommer att närvara?
How many do you expect will attend?


(UK, vulgar, slang (ejaculate) (vardagligt, vulgärt)

After touching himself for only a minute, the teenager spunked.


(be available)

Raklödder kommer i burk.
Shaving cream comes in a can.


(date, event: occur again)

Jill always feels sad when the anniversary of her husband's death comes around.


(reach a state, condition)

Hur kom det sig att du blev en marinbiolog?
How did you come to be a marine biologist? That shirt just won't come clean.

decimalkomma, komma

(mathematics: decimal point)

Värdet av pi är ungefär tre komma ett fyra.
The value of pi is about three point one four.


(informal (arrive)

När kommer vi att komma fram dit?
When will we get there?


(be willing or disposed to)

The elderly will sacrifice for their grandchildren if they have to.


(may be expected to)

She will not have given up hope, as he was only reported missing this morning.


(may be supposed to)

This will be the place, at least if I have understood the directions.


(be sure to)

Most people talk about helping others, but will take good care of themselves first.


(habitual action)

They will forget to wash at least some of the pots.


(be determined to)

"From our very first date I've wanted to marry her, and I will", he thought.



The rain came from nowhere.


(occur, happen)

Good things come to those who wait.


(occur in relation to sth)

Friday comes at the end of the week.



A great heat was coming from the fireplace.


(slang (have an orgasm) (vardaglig)

They came at the same time, crying out in joy.


(place: live currently)

I come from New York, although I grew up in Connecticut.


(place: previous location)

I came from Chicago yesterday.


(informal (appear, turn up)

Did Joe show at the party last night?

inställa sig

(show up)

Yes, he reports promptly every day at seven o'clock.

ha sitt ursprung, ha sin början


The whole project sprang from a conversation I had with a neighbour.


(stem from, be caused by) (vardagligt)

The whole problem flows from his financial difficulties.


(with 'from' (be native of) (formellt)

Kelsey's mother hails from Canada.

inställa sig

(show up)

You must report for work on time.


(arrive at)

The ship made port early in the morning.


(with present participle: future)

Vi ska spela tennis den här helgen.
We are playing tennis this weekend.


(carry sth)

Hämta hit den stolen, är du snäll.
Bring that chair over here, will you?

hälsa på


I'll call tomorrow morning on the way to work.

komma ut

(be emitted)

Rök kom ut ur skorstenen.
Smoke issued from the chimney.


(enter into: agreement, deal)

The parties involved made an agreement.

hinna med

(train, plane: reach in time)

I have to run if I want to make my train.

bli antagen

(informal (earn acceptance into)

Only half of people at tryouts made the team.

komma med på

(informal (appear on)

The disaster made the evening news.

komma ihåg

(recall sth)

Försök att komma ihåg exakt vad som hände.
Try to remember exactly what happened.

Let's learn Swedish

So now that you know more about the meaning of komma åt in Swedish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Swedish.

Do you know about Swedish

Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.