What does dorința in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word dorința in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use dorința in Romanian.

The word dorința in Romanian means dorința, râvnă, poftă (de), dorință, năzuitor, capriciu, concupiscență, râvnă, dorință, poftă, ultima dorință, deziderat, dorință, dorință, dorință carnală, a nu ține cont de dorința, dorință, dorință, febră, a îndeplini dorința cuiva, a îndeplini dorința cuiva, bunătate, dorință, dorință arzătoare, dorință, nevoie, dorință puternică, privire plină de dorință, libido, dorință sexuală, cuibăreală, dorință, dorință sexuală, dorință sexuală, impuls, dorință de răzbunare, inițiativă, dorință, dorință, dorință, dorință, a-și pune o dorință, care speră la, plin de dorință, dorință. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word dorința

dorința, râvnă

(eagerness, enthusiasm)

Profesorul era mulțumit de dorința (or: râvna) elevilor de a învăța.
The teacher was pleased by his students' willingness to learn.

poftă (de), dorință

(for other things)


(related to desire)

The teacher encouraged the children to pursue aspirational goals for their futures.


(wilful or fickle nature)

It's risky to camp in the mountains in the springtime due to the caprices of nature.



râvnă, dorință, poftă

(desire for specific food)

When I was pregnant, I had a craving for watermelon.

ultima dorință

(psychiatry: desire to die)

Alex's behaviour is symptomatic of a death wish.


(sth needed or desired)


(a want)

N-aveam nicio dorință să vizitez Mexico.
He had no desire to visit Mexico.


(sexual want)

Putea vedea pasiunea în ochii iubitului ei.
She could see the desire in her boyfriend's eyes.

dorință carnală

(literary (lust)

The pastor preached against lust and sinning due to desires of the flesh.

a nu ține cont de dorința

(not cooperate: with sb's wishes)



Setea lui de succes l-a ajutat să intre în lumea afacerilor.
His drive to succeed led him into business.


(willingness, readiness)

Fido's wagging tail signalled his eagerness for the walk.


(figurative, informal, as suffix (desire) (figurat)

Tom has baby fever, but his wife doesn't want to have children yet.

a îndeplini dorința cuiva

(fulfil sb's dream)

Cinderella's fairy godmother granted her wish to go to the royal ball.

a îndeplini dorința cuiva

(fulfil sb's request)

Picasso granted Quinn's wish to photograph the artist at work.


(willingness or ability to help)

Arthur's helpfulness is sometimes too enthusiastic and he just causes problems.


(figurative (desire)

Era clar că Peter eram motivat de dorința sa.
It was clear that Peter had the hunger that he needed to motivate him.

dorință arzătoare

(constant need or want)

Every great athlete has an insatiable desire to win.

dorință, nevoie

(figurative (desire) (figurat)

Peter avea poftă să călătorească.
Peter felt the itch to go traveling.

dorință puternică

(enthusiastic wish)

She has expressed a keen desire to be introduced to you.

privire plină de dorință

(lustful look)


(sex drive)

Arthur says his marriage is great because of his wife's high libido.

dorință sexuală

(sexual desire)

Lust is one of the Seven Deadly Sins.


(figurative (homemaking instinct)

The couple's nesting annoyed their friends who wanted to go out drinking.


(formal (will, desire)

Care vă este dorința, domnule?
What is your pleasure, sir?

dorință sexuală

(sexual desire)

After his surgery he had little sex drive.

dorință sexuală




Când Robert citește rapoarte despre oameni în suferință, are impulsul de a-i ajuta.
When Robert reads reports of people suffering, he feels an urge to help them.

dorință de răzbunare

(desire for revenge)

Woodley denied that she had acted out of vindictiveness towards her former boss.


(uncountable (will, intent)

A human athlete walks onto the track as a matter of volition, but a racehorse does not.


(sexual desire)

He looked at her with want in his eyes.



She went against her father's will and married the musician.



Dorința ei este să se îndrăgostească.
Her wish is to fall in love.



The genie grants you three wishes.

a-și pune o dorință

(use sth as magic charm)

Audrey looked up at the night sky and wished upon a star for all her dreams to come true.

care speră la, plin de dorință

(hoping for sth)

The children were wishful for more ice cream before bed time.



Jane's yearning for a holiday is growing stronger every day.

Let's learn Romanian

So now that you know more about the meaning of dorința in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.

Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.