What does balanță in Romanian mean?

What is the meaning of the word balanță in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use balanță in Romanian.

The word balanță in Romanian means scales, cântar, Balanță, Balanță, Balanță, balanță, sold, Balanță, balanța puterii, balanța comercială, a cântări, a se revanșa, balanță romană, balanță comercială, balanță de verificare, a pune în balanță. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word balanță



(US (weighing device) (aparat de cântărit)

Boxerul s-a urcat pe cântar.
The boxer stepped onto the scale.


(zodiac sign: Scales) (zodie)

Those born in Libra are said to be well-balanced individuals.


(person born under Libra)

My boyfriend and I are both Libras.


(constellation: Scales) (constelație)

Libra is most clearly visible in the autumn.


(finances: matching two balances) (contabilitate)

An outside auditor will examine the reconciliation of your accounts.


(debt, amount outstanding) (contabilitate)

Soldul cărților mele de credit este prea mare.
The balance on my credit cards is too high. I've paid a deposit and I need to pay the balance at the end of the month.


(rare (sign of the zodiac: Libra) (zodie)

Jim's astrological sign is the scales.

balanța puterii

(between nations)

The balance of power shifted when the king became ill, with parliament becoming more independent.

balanța comercială

(difference: imports, imports)

The growth in imports has lead to a worsening of the balance of trade.

a cântări

(weigh possibilities)

A pus în balanță opțiunile și s-a gândit la ce urma să facă.
She considered her options and what to do next.

a se revanșa

(compensate for sth) (față de cineva)

Henry wanted to make amends for his rude behaviour towards James.

balanță romană

(weighing device)

balanță comercială

(imports compared to exports)

Despite fluctuations, China's trade balance looks healthy.

balanță de verificare

(bookkeeping: check equality)

a pune în balanță

(compare, set against one another)

In making my decision, I had to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages.

Let's learn Romanian

So now that you know more about the meaning of balanță in Romanian, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Romanian.

Do you know about Romanian

Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.