What does åta sig in Swedish mean?

What is the meaning of the word åta sig in Swedish? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use åta sig in Swedish.

The word åta sig in Swedish means företa, åta, åta sig, äta sig, äta sig mätt, åta sig att göra ngt, åta sig att betala, eat, äta, äta, tugga, äta, äta, äta, äta, beta på ngt, äta på ngt, äta frukost, äta brunch, äta upp ngt, konsumera, hugga in, äta ngt till middag, äta på ngt, tära på, äta på, erodera, äta middag, äta hemma, äta lunch, äta ute, äta på restaurang, äta upp, äta upp maten, äta upp, erkänna fel, erkänna misstag, äta ute, hugga in, göra slut på, äta upp, äta klart, äta en festmåltid, äta ett skrovmål, äta frukost, äta middag, luncha, sunda matvanor, luncha, sätta i sig ngt, äta mellanmål, äta mellanmål, supera, röra. To learn more, please see the details below.

Listen to pronunciation

Meaning of the word åta sig

företa, åta

(project: commit to)

Byggaren gick med på att åta sig (or: ta sig an) renoveringen.
The builder agreed to undertake the renovation.

åta sig

(commit to do)

Regeringen har åtagit sig att assistera med organisationens hjälpinsatser.
The government has engaged to assist the organization's aid efforts.

äta sig


Acid rain has eaten into the rock surface.

äta sig mätt

(eat until full)

Everybody ate their fill at the buffet lunch.

åta sig att göra ngt

(commit to do sth)

Korrekturläsaren har gått med på att göra korrigeringarna.
The proofreader has undertaken to make the corrections.

åta sig att betala

(insurance: cover)

I'm afraid no insurance company is prepared to underwrite our expedition.



(formal (eat dinner)

We normally dine at eight.


(consume a food)

Jag äter pasta varje dag.
I eat pasta every day.


(eat, masticate)

Richard chewed the apple slowly.


(figurative (eat sth)

The tabloid newspapers feed on scandal.


(food: chew and swallow)

Jag har svårigheter med att äta kött på grund av mina lösa tänder.
I have difficulty eating meat because of my loose teeth.


(consume food)

Jag är hungrig. Nu äter vi!
I'm hungry. Let's eat!


(eat, drink) (mat)

Jag drack en drink och åt en kaka.
I had a drink and a biscuit.

beta på ngt

(animal: eat)

The animals feed on grass.

äta på ngt

(figurative (reduce in value) (bildlig: reducera)

Falling oil prices are biting into the profits of energy companies.

äta frukost

(eat breakfast)

William likes to breakfast on the veranda.

äta brunch

(eat brunch) (vardagligt)

We brunched on omelettes and sausage by the pool.

äta upp ngt

(figurative, informal (use rapidly) (bildlig)

Using 4G chews up the battery life of your phone.


(obsess, take over) (bildlig)

The fear of being in a plane crash consumed her.

hugga in

(informal (start a meal) (bildlig)

My mouth watered when I smelled my mom's homemade apple pie and I was ready to dig in.

äta ngt till middag

(eat for dinner)

The guests dined on venison.

äta på ngt

(figurative (gnaw at, erode) (bildlig)

The chalk cliffs are being eaten away slowly by the action of the sea.

tära på, äta på

(informal, figurative (worry) (bildlig)

Raskolnikov's crime ate away at his peace of mind and, ultimately, his soul.


(figurative (erode) (formell)

The river eats away at the sand banks every time there's a flood.

äta middag

(have evening meal)

We usually eat dinner around 7 pm.

äta hemma

(dine at home)

We decided to eat in rather than go out to a restaurant.

äta lunch

(have midday meal)

I usually eat lunch at 1p.m.

äta ute, äta på restaurang

(dine at a restaurant)

Anna wants to eat out this evening because she's tired of cooking.

äta upp, äta upp maten

(consume food completely)

If you eat up all your vegetables, you can have dessert.

äta upp

(figurative (consume in great quantities) (bildlig)

That new printer eats up our paper supplies at an alarming rate.

erkänna fel, erkänna misstag

(figurative (admit you are wrong)

A fine performance by Bale made his doubters eat their words.

äta ute

(dining at restaurants)

Eating out regularly can be quite expensive.

hugga in

(begin to eat)

göra slut på

(use up, exhaust)

Hon åt upp flingpaketet och var tvungen att öppna ett nytt.
She finished the box of cereal and had to open another one.

äta upp, äta klart

(informal (eat all of)

You have to finish up your vegetables before having dessert.

äta en festmåltid

(eat celebratory meal)

The family had a feast to celebrate Chinese New Year.

äta ett skrovmål

(figurative (eat a lot)

We had a feast of homemade pasta and meatballs.

äta frukost

(eat morning meal)

I have breakfast at 7 every morning.

äta middag

(eat evening meal)

I think the whole family should have dinner together at least once a week.


(eat midday meal)

Let's go and have our lunch at that newly opened restaurant. Should we have lunch before the meeting?

sunda matvanor

(consuming nutritious food)

Healthy eating in the long-term is more effective than calorie-counting as a means to lose weight.


(to eat lunch)

Ska vi inte luncha på det indiska stället idag?
Let's lunch at the Indian restaurant today.

sätta i sig ngt

(informal, figurative (eat all of, consume)

He polished off the whole cake without offering a slice to anyone else.

äta mellanmål

(eat between meals)

John is always snacking, but he never puts on any weight.

äta mellanmål

(eat between meals)

Maggie snacks on chocolate bars when she's bored.


(dated (eat, dine) (omodern)

The travelers were invited to sup with the king.



The child hadn't touched his food.

Let's learn Swedish

So now that you know more about the meaning of åta sig in Swedish, you can learn how to use them through selected examples and how to read them. And remember to learn the related words that we suggest. Our website is constantly updating with new words and new examples so you can look up the meanings of other words you don't know in Swedish.

Do you know about Swedish

Swedish (Svenska) is a North Germanic language, spoken as a mother tongue by 10.5 million people living mainly in Sweden and parts of Finland. Swedish speakers can understand Norwegian and Danish speakers. Swedish is closely related to Danish and Norwegian, and usually anyone who understands either can understand Swedish.