What does a termina in Romanian mean?
What is the meaning of the word a termina in Romanian? The article explains the full meaning, pronunciation along with bilingual examples and instructions on how to use a termina in Romanian.
The word a termina in Romanian means a realiza, a îndeplini, a pune capăt la, a absolvi, a termina, a termina, a încheia, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a anula, a termina, a înceta, a consuma, a epuiza, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a termina, a consuma, a termina, a epuiza, a termina, a face praf, a termina, a rupe, a termina, a termina, a ejacula, a termina, a termina, a distruge, a devasta, a termina, a termina, a îmbolnăvi, a termina, a se clasa, a se situa, a încheia, a termina, a termina, a absolvi, a termina, a avorta, a termina la egalitate, a termina de, a termina la egalitate. To learn more, please see the details below.
Meaning of the word a termina
a realiza, a îndeplini(informal (accomplish sth) The layoff will give me some time to get something done around the house. |
a pune capăt la(informal (cause to end abruptly) The heavy rain put paid to Jan's idea of having a picnic in the park. |
a absolvi(complete university degree) Și-a terminat studiile universitare după cinci ani. He graduated from the university after five years. |
a termina(finish) Voi finaliza pictura până vineri. I will complete the painting by Friday. |
a termina(complete: a task) Va termina traducerea în 30 de minute. He will finish the translation in the next 30 minutes. |
a încheia, a termina(end a meeting, event) (despre ședințe, întâlniri) Șeful personalului a încheiat (or: a terminat) ședința devreme. The chief of staff concluded the meeting early. |
a termina(end) |
a termina(slang (finish) At knock off time, we get cleaned up and go to the pub. |
a termina(complete) She has good intentions but never carries through with them. |
a termina(complete, perfect) Finish off the report before you go home. |
a termina(informal (complete) I have to finish up my homework before going to the mall. |
a termina(slang (stop: doing sth) |
a termina(slang (stop: doing, saying) Gary was whistling tunelessly until Dave told him to knock it off. |
a termina(informal, figurative (stop talking about sth) He kept mentioning my marriage problems so I asked him to drop it. |
a anula, a termina(end or finish) El și-a anulat abonamentul. He cancelled his subscription. |
a înceta(stop) Încetează imediat să mai fluieri! Cease your whistling immediately! |
a consuma(use up) |
a epuiza(supplies, fuel) |
a termina(dispose of, completely kill) |
a termina(work, task: complete) I have so much work to get through this week—I don't know how I'm going to do it all! I still have more studying to get through before the exam. |
a termina(informal (consume all of) John finished off his meal and then left the house. |
a termina(informal (eat all of) (de mâncat) You have to finish up your vegetables before having dessert. |
a termina(US (knitting: cast off to finish) (un lucru tricotat) |
a termina(finish race: in nth place) I don't care if I win the race, I just don't want to come in last. |
a consuma, a termina(use up, exhaust) A consumat toată cutia de cereale și trebuia să mai deschidă una. She finished the box of cereal and had to open another one. |
a epuiza(use up resources) |
a termina(cause sth to end: marriage, friendship, fight) (o relație) Seems like I have to bust up a fight between those kids every day. |
a face praf(slang, figurative (criticize harshly) The critics ripped the author apart. |
a termina(US (sth: finish period of) The country is coming off a year of huge economic growth. |
a rupe, a termina(figurative, informal (terminate) Matt and Glenda have decided to break off their engagement. |
a termina(slang (destroy, kill) That 30-mile walk has just about finished me off. |
a ejacula(UK, slang, vulgar (ejaculate) |
a termina(race: reach end of) A terminat cursa în 35 de minute. She finished the race in 35 minutes. |
a termina(cease) Termină odată! Would you please stop that! |
a distruge(slang (destroy, kill) |
a devasta(devastate emotionally) We can't tell him what's happened. It would destroy him. |
a termina(complete sth) Te rog să termini, ca să putem pleca. Please finish so that we can leave. |
a termina(informal (have finished doing sth) I'm done stacking the shelves; what should I do next? |
a îmbolnăvi(overcome, incapacitate) |
a termina(US (complete school level) Fiul său terminase clasa a treia. His son graduated from the third grade. |
a se clasa, a se situa(race horse: finish) Where did your horse place? |
a încheia(finalize) Haideți să terminăm negocierile. Let's close the negotiations now. |
a termina(execute, finish) You should be able to turn this job in two hours. |
a termina(slang, figurative (omit, cease) Te rog să încetezi cu glumele. Spune-ne ce s-a întâmplat. Please cut the jokes. Just tell us what happened. |
a absolvi(US (finish a degree or diploma) She graduated high school in 1973. |
a termina(often passive, UK, slang (disable) (diateza pasivă, informal) |
a avorta(pregnancy: end) After speaking with the doctor, the couple decided to terminate the pregnancy. |
a termina la egalitate(tie a game) Nicio echipă nu a câștigat; au terminat la egalitate. Neither team won the game; they drew. |
a termina de(no longer using) (în expresie: to be off) Mai folosești telefonul? Are you off the phone yet? |
a termina la egalitate(be even in sports) (sport) ⓘAceastă propoziţie nu este o traducere a propoziţiei englezeşti. Cei doi jucători de șah au făcut remiză. The two teams tied. |
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Do you know about Romanian
Romanian is a language spoken by between 24 and 28 million people, mainly in Romania and Moldova. It is the official language in Romania, Moldova and the Vojvodina Autonomous Province of Serbia. There are also Romanian speakers in many other countries, notably Italy, Spain, Israel, Portugal, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, France, and Germany.